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Cvar Manipulation


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Hey all, I'm starting to mod seriously, but I'm having a hard time getting a handle on the cvar system... could someone give me a hand by pointing me somewhere that goes over cvar manipulation (or by telling me how themselves?)


I'd REALLY appreciate it!



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hmm to add a cvar do the following steps that i tell you:


go to g_local.h and you will see a long list of cvars so add yours there


extern vmCvar_t g_mycvar;


now go to g_main.c and youwill see a cvar list there to so add it there too


vmCvar_t g_mycvar


then farther own you will see a cvar table and add the following to the en(off cource replace your cvar name with my example g_mycvar)


{&g_mycvar, "g_mycvar", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_LATCH, 0, qfalse },



ok i hope that helped

i too want to know how to manipulte the cvars though



also can someone help me and answer my questions i have in my topiic, its link is in my signature.

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