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viewing jedi knight II models


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I could of sworn I just answered something similar in another thread.......Ahh I see, what with the duble........nevermind.....Ok your going to need to programs called Md3 viewer and mod viewer. If you don't wanna go searching for these files, just load your model into a pk3 file, place it in the base folder. Just keep loading up the game...Thats what i used to do, well before the wonder program called mod viewer.....

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Good lord 8 mb. I thought mine was bad at 32mb, soon upgrading.....*tears of joy*.


you need to have everything in the approiate folders in the base/models/players folder.....if there isn't one for your model make one.

for example my jabba folder looks like this


c:/programfiles/lucasarts/jedi outcast/gamedate/base/models/players/jabba....jabba.glm and all the necessary jpg files.

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