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Twisted Vertex

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I am doing some skeleton weighting over here. I came to the hands. I am noting each individual bone, in the hand. My overall question is Is this necassary? . Does each indiviual bone in the hand need weights, I know that all the bones in the face don't need weights unless animations are needed. I am assuming this holds true with the hands.


If each individual bone is not need to be weighted, Which bones do Io weight....Thanks in advance.

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The only bones you really "need" on the hands are the radiusX and hand bones. If you want to weight each finger individually then it's a little more involved but not complex


My example uses the right hand



r_d1_j2 < Right Thumb, with each individual joint marked _j#1-3




r_d2_j2 < Right Index




r_d3_j2 < Right Middle



and so on for the ring finger and the pinky, just weight each "joint" to it's respective part of the finger.


I havent found any real need to do this on the half dozen models I've gotten in-game thus far as it doesnt seem that those bones are used much if at all in game. So you can get away with just the radiusX and hand bones


Oh, anything marked _eff appears to be useless, I really would like to talk to their lead animator about this skeleton, perhaps I should write him an e-mail :)




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actually i think the _eff's are there to be able to move the first bone. because youll notice that when you select a bone and move it, it actually moves itself and the next bone in line.


and i always weight each finger, it doesnt take that long, i just group select verts and assign the weight. i think its more professional.

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The EFF bones (or end effectors) are there for creating the actual animations of a model. Instead of rotating a certain bone, you can drag the eff to the position you want. Nothing is ever actually weighted to this bone, it is a dummy, just there for creating animations.


In regards to fingers, I usually weight each one properly.

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