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Wart, if your here, take a look.....

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Guest Darth Wart

yeah, I'm here, but not for long. Leaving tonight.


I got your email, but you're lucky! I just got it now and disconnected AOL.


you have to use gnossie@msn.com you say it doesn't work for you, but I get tons of emails every day (actually just 10-20), and you're the first that told me it doesn't work. So try again.


(I rarely checked my AOL mail to begin with, which explains why it took so long for me to get it).


And yes, I got your stuff and will use it.


I also am eagerly awaiting your list for the points bonuses. Thanks for your help.


I'm gonna be out of town for a few days (special study on Dagobah), with no access to a computer, so I'll be incommunicado for the duration. Hold tight: Jedi Kanigett will try to answer my posts if he can.


Be back soon. (I just hope when I get back there won't be a bunch of horny Chinese chicks all over the place like there was last time).






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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