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Mace's force circle power: good for anything?

Guest Padawan Ian

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Guest Padawan Ian

Is Mace's Force Circle power good for anything? He just seems to take a deep breath, sometimes there's a cool-looking blue lightning dome, but that's about it. Specifically, is it of any use against Maul? I'm on level 10 and rarely get past the 4th encounter. Darth Wart appears to be silent on this topic in his excellent strategy guide. Thanks in advance for any help.


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Guest Jedi Kenobi

You hold it and you get the blue sphere. If you get hit while the sphere is around you it gives you health.




Jedi Kenobi

Jedi Knight

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Guest Darth Wart

On beating Maul with Mace:


1. Typically all that's necessary is continually pressing L2 + S. You can

get a couple of hits off Maul every time, and with luck you will scare him

off before your blue juice depletes. It may, though, especially if you've exclusively

chosen health upgrades rather than force upgrades.


2. If Maul's really thrashing you, you can press (and HOLD!) L2 + C, which

will create a blue bubble around you. While Maul whales on you, your health

will be rapidly repaired. Remember to HOLD both buttons during this process, and make sure you're getting nailed bad; otherwise this power doesn't do anything.


3. Although you can typically get ONE hit off Maul with the saber throw, I

wouldn't use it: L2 + S is always better, and all you ever get form this is

ONE hit.


4. I'm not aware of any of Mace's combos that work against Maul.


Hope this helps.







There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest Jericho

Actually, the power you want to use is L2+Triangle. Just a little typo, Wart.


There are plently of force powerups throughout the level so you'll have plenty of force to hit him with the saber shield.


The Square-Square combos work in a pinch as well, though they aren't nearly as effective.


As for the L2-Circle power, you do have to hold the button down, but it's difficult to get it off because a hit can break it up.


Good luck.






Break the walls down.

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Guest Jedi Con-Roy

im playing maul right now for the first time with plo. ive noticed maul wont rush you if you lock on and circle him while backing away or using run in lock on mode and jumping away. all you have to do is lock on hit square attack and then jump away. if your patient you'll get a 1 out of every hits you attack. it takes a while but you wont lose barely any health if your careful.





"Use the force for knowledge and defense, never for aggression." Yoda

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Guest Padawan Ian

Thank you all very much. I understand Wart meant Force Triangle. The key new piece of information for me was that you must hold down the Force Circle buttons. Interesting; I know of no other button combo that must be held down. It makes sense though.


Force Triangle is certainly terrific against Maul. As Wart says: "He never catches on." It makes the first three meeting with Maul routine. Was hoping for something longer distance for that 4th encounter, but it's great to learn how to use Force Circle. Can't wait to get home and try it out.


Thanks again! JPB is a great game and this -- despite a lot of background noise (grin) -- is a great forum.


[This message has been edited by Padawan Ian (edited May 18, 2000).]


[This message has been edited by Padawan Ian (edited May 18, 2000).]

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Guest Padawan Ian

One more thing that may be helpful to someone. Mace can hit Maul with his X blade move. X is Mace's quickest, unlike the other characters where the Square affords the quickest strike. Especially as Maul is recovering from a previous strike; hit him with X.

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Guest ShadeShifter

I found that Mace's Square, Square, Square, X, L2 combo works really well against Maul.




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