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I have started work on Hoth echo base. This is going to be my first map:P anyways it will be the hanger with snow speeder and you can go in to the comand center and press the button to shoot the Ion cannon and if you hurry and go through the tunnels you can go out side and see the ion cannon shoot. also you can go into the rebel barracks and the tauntaun stables. Ill give you pics a soon as i can.:fett:

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yea it will have 2 hangars 1 with the Falcon in it and one with snow speeders and x-wings. the medical center will be next to the comand center. Curently I have made the 2 hangers and have started to make the comand center. I will be working on this through the weekend. Im new at this so if you know any one or any sites that have textures for hoth that would be great. I have the ones that came with JKOII but thats it.

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