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Ruining the Jedi's reputations

Guest Hannibal

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Guest Hannibal

When I saw Plo Koon in the movie I thought he's a jedi master and on the council he can pprobably kick @$$. Playing this game kind of makes me think less of the jedi. It doesnt make sense to me that a jedi can be that slow if he's using the force. After all your not limited by physicallity when using the force. So Porkins could when a gold medal in the 100 if he used the force.


The moral to this story is: Plo Koon sucks!!

Thank you for listening.



Bow down before JoJo my helper monkey and your future lord and master.



Man-eating vice-president of the Un-Council and Head Servant to Jo Jo

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Guest Plo Koon 1324

Do you mean Plo Koon Sucks on JPB or The Movie? Also, he is slow but powerful, I think they did that to even out the people. (Who would want to play if everyone was fast and had the same Power??) I think they did that to even things out.

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Guest Hannibal

Im not saying all the jedi would be even. Im just saying they wouldn't be big and slow. Im betting one of the first jedi to be killed by Vader and Sidious is Plo Koon. Im hoping it is. How can you make it on the council if your not fast enough to handle 3 gungans.



Bow down before JoJo my helper monkey and your future lord and master.



Man-eating vice-president of the Un-Council and Head Servant to Jo Jo


[This message has been edited by Hannibal (edited May 18, 2000).]

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i agree that plo sucks in the game, but i dont think that it would be that way in the movie, after all, he comes from a long line of jedi. and besides, every game has its fast character (adi-gallia) and its slowpoke (plo koon) i think that he was just made like that by the guys from lucas arts. boy, they sure have been causing a lot of troble lately, havent they?

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Guest Plo Koon

<font color="yellow"> Yea, I agree with Calypso. I highly doubt that Plo is that slow in the movie. Every game has its fast guy, slow guy, and average guy. They had to even things out. <font color="yellow">





You could no more evade my wrath, then you could your own shadow.

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Guest Darth Spawn

they can't have everything just perfect. they have to have bad people, and good people, it makes sense. all hail Lord JoJo, the helper monkey for they cool people





Darth Spawn, The Supreme Killer


"Testors, good for sniffing"

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Guest Acid_Rain327

I agree with all those above, that Plo Koon is most likey a very powerful Jedi - being on the Council and all.

Don't take the games as the same canon as the films - they had to alter things in the game to make it more "interesting". Plo just got the shaft in decision making.

So, don't go saying the character as a whole is awful, just be mindful that the game was programed to make him awful to generate more difficulty.

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Guest Hannibal

Im just saying, if hes gonna be that slow he should have been Panaka or Amidala. Not a Jedi. I can see you guys get what im saying though. smile.gif



Bow down before JoJo my helper monkey and your future lord and master.



Man-eating vice-president of the Un-Council and Head Servant to Jo Jo

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Yeah, but I personally think Panaka and Amidala should never have been accessible in the first place.

If they wanted to make a slow, hidden character, it should have been someone like Oppo Rancisis (no legs, very long, snake-like tail).

Having non-Jedi as hidden characters is just rediculous. It limits gameplay, and is just not fun to play-to-earn.

They should have made every hidden character a Jedi, with the exception of Maul.


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Guest Jedi-Qui-Gon

also if we got secret characters we should be able to increase their skill ourselves. partly why i beat the game with other people besides qui-gon was to see their force powers





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Guest Barnabas Antilies

PLo sucks either way movie or game. He is a cheap rip off of Yoshimitsu. Yoshimitsu would kill him any day abd his saber is so much cooler.





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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