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Guest Plo Koon 1324

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Guest Plo Koon 1324

This may be a Stupid Question,

Can you get secrets on Easy mode?

I got the Gungan level on easy but I beat the game (on easy) and I didn't get anything.

Also,while I am at it can you get secrets on easy with two players? (I was wondering because I don't want to start with two players and get nothing for it)



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Guest Jedi Kanigget

There's been some discrepancy on whether or not Easy and Jedi mode matter. Wart called LucasArts and they told him there was no difference whatsoever. As for two player, I think("think" as in 90% sure) that you can unlock everything except level fourteen. As I have no one to play two player with, I do not have firsthand knowledge of this.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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Guest Jedi Kenobi

That's how it used to be for me Kanigget. I got an awesome partner. (get ready for a surprise) my 7 year old nephew! He's really good at the game. He beat it with all the characters on 1p before I did, and not to brag, but I am pretty good.




Jedi Kenobi

Jedi Knight

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