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Naming a Nautolan


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Mars here, Thought I would throw in this idea. Earlier someone asked about naming their skins. Well we can only speculate on how "Kit Fisto" recieved his name (based on the name structure). The Japanese alphabet uses double constanants like this Ka, Ke, Ku, Ki, Ko. Maybe Nautolan's (Kit's species) use a triple constanats paired with doubles. First name triple letter constanants like...

Ket, Kir, Kit, Mir, Mot, Mit, Fut, and so on.


Maybe last names are doubles paired with a triple, like...


Fisto Fi (double) Sto (triple)

others , Tiket (Ti Ket), Tumot, Godut, Rifet.


Just a thought... hope this helps. Mars out!

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Originally posted by NeoMarz1

Mars here, Thought I would throw in this idea. Earlier someone asked about naming their skins. Well we can only speculate on how "Kit Fisto" recieved his name (based on the name structure). The Japanese alphabet uses double constanants like this Ka, Ke, Ku, Ki, Ko. Maybe Nautolan's (Kit's species) use a triple constanats paired with doubles. First name triple letter constanants like...

Ket, Kir, Kit, Mir, Mot, Mit, Fut, and so on.


Maybe last names are doubles paired with a triple, like...


Fisto Fi (double) Sto (triple)

others , Tiket (Ti Ket), Tumot, Godut, Rifet.


Just a thought... hope this helps. Mars out!


I can only "speculate" that his name was based on someone's creative imagination. This topic belongs in the Kit Fisto thread. 'Nuff said. Now close this thread.. ;)

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