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In an effort to try and reinstall strategy into this forum, I decided that there should be a question thread, where people can ask questions, and other forumers will answer them. This is not one of those "im an expert so, in order to raise my pompousness, im going to have people ask me questions" sort of threads, because i dont have all the answers to peoples questions and the chances are i wont be one of the people answering questions.


To kick it off, i want to ask what the best way to militarily do a rush? Forward build? Quick small army of raiders? Or wait a bit and hit with bigger army capable of doind damage?

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Rushes for me generally depend on the proximity of my opponent. I rarely do tech 1 rushes unless an opponent is right next to me (which typically only happens with 7 or 8 players). Even then I try to delay it just a little so that I can hit tech II and upgrade the units in the middle of the rush.


If I've a bit more space I'll hold out for tech III then hit them hard. I find I usually have a better chance of putting them out and gathering their resources (the first of which is usually banthas/nerfs since destroying the animal housing cuts their food intake anyway).


Of course, I tend to play more 6 or 7 vs. 1 computer games, so defense becomes more important than quick rushing. Once I hit tech III I take out as much as I can quickly to cut it down to 4 or 5 opponents before Tech IV. If I'm playing in 2 vs 2 - 4 v 4 online then I'd probably rush sooner since I'd have support.



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i find that nothing f's you up more than a t3 strike mech rush.

It's been done against me a LOT in "Inter" games and I find it to be the one most difficult to counter (So now I do it too :D ). They kill troopers in 2 shots, and can fairly easily wipe out mounties and padawans, and are fairly cheap (50 food, 100 carbon). And since they're so tough to counter, and you have to hide your workers from them... you lose valuable time in gathering resources.

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Yeah i usually go for the larger army that attacks late t2, rather than the 5 troops that attack when you get the trroper upgrade. That gives me time to get mounties, more troopers, medics, and some more upgrades before attacking. Dont foward build unitl i have enought to build a fort (these babies ensure forward base longetivity).


pbguy: good games, huh. Evene though i rushed you the first time and simwiz the second time, you probably gave the most resistance to a rush ive seen. I want to play in better than inter games, but simwiz is a baby and doesnt want to lose games every now and then.

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I hardly ever use early rushes - i normally focus on defence first and then once i have reached T3 or T4 i deploy a massive offensive - this normally works for me, but sometimes i get wiped out in T2 if i am playing 2 or more Allied opponents, especially in CC. One thing i have noticed is that Rebel Alliance is really strong in CC - they have a lot of different Aircraft which really makes it difficult to attack - they take my troops out before i have even got to their base...? ( I normally play TF but it happened to me with Empire as well) Any suggestions?

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I use a lot of air even when I use air-weak civs like the TF and Confed. Considering that, I'd usually try to take out air-superior civs with my own air in Tech III, since they're a royal pain in Tech IV. I'd probably send a small combination of fighters and bomber. If you've got the jump on them, you can start killing workers/troops and taking out power cores, animal shelters, and turrets. With a little luck, you'll slow them down quite a bit (if not take them out) and give yourself some time to send in some mechs to finish them off.


Course, if you encounter them when you're already in Tech IV then you'd better have their air force well outnumbered or have a decent number of AA ground forces. Converting's also good if you've strong Jedi, but unless you're the Empire (or perhaps the Confed) you're not liable to have decent jedi and a weak air force.



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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

I want to play in better than inter games, but simwiz is a baby and doesnt want to lose games every now and then.


Do you always have to say something stupid to attempt to enhance your image? I would like more of a challenge in the games, but I highly doubt we would be able to find many people above inters, because of the scenarios taking over the room. I already said we would say "good players" next game but you have a behavior problem, and your mommy grounded you from the computer, so we won't have another game till friday. Nice job! Every thread you stroke your ego by attempting to make others look bad. Your comments make you sound like an immature 2-year old. Just stop with the puerile comments, okay?

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Small trick


Garrison lots of AA troopers in your assault mechs when playing against air strong civs but you must still make AA mobile to make the other believe you have little AA. Then unload your groups of AA troopers and take advantage of the element of surprise by attacking their base from another place. This works only when your enemy does not concentrate on making air cruisers. By the way, it is hard to counter air cruisers when you are playing a non-air civ... any ideas?

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I'm still working on the timing of my teching to t3. i'm new at rushing to it, so it'll take some time. i'm getting better at it. working on the kinks of # of workers on each resource.


for whatever reason, i cannot play at normal speed anymore. cant do it. i have to play on fast. normal totally screws me up because i never play on it. so if you ever want to play a game of RM at fast speed and NOT and explored map, which i think is totally gay but i only played because there were no other RM games... look me up.


as far as the rebels, well... all civs are equal until t4. but if you get that a wing and a few upgrades... you can WRECK workers with ease. but the problem is that at t4 you should have enough resources to replace them easily.


i still think the strike mech rush is the most difficult to counter and does the most damage. you can win a game in t3 with your opponent in t2 by not letting their workers get to carbon and cutting off the food supply. easily.

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Thanks for the suggestions! This is the type of thread that really interests me!


lukeiamyourdad wrote:


"By the way, it is hard to counter air cruisers when you are playing a non-air civ... any ideas?"


I find that Adv Air Turrets are the best defence against Air Cruisers. Also a few aircraft from any Civ will take out Air Cruisers fairly easily - unless of course they have lots of their own aircraft backing up their Air Cruisers... (that's where i got screwed)


Anybody else got a suggestion on this one...?

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Guest DarthMaulUK
Originally posted by pbguy1211

i find that nothing f's you up more than a t3 strike mech rush.

It's been done against me a LOT in "Inter" games and I find it to be the one most difficult to counter (So now I do it too :D )


Mounties are good at stopping strike mechs but Grenaders are even better. I have found that one of the best ways to slow - remember we are slowing down your enemy - is a mountie rush early in T2 or if you are really quick.. T1.


Always attack carbon workers first and take out the carbon proctor. I always try and place my workers some distance away from my command centre (CC) - sometimes they are found but most times they are not.


If you are looking to hit T3 very quickly - DONT do all the upgrades. These cost, and this could be used to hit T3 early on. There is an excellent piece in our Strategy guide about the best upgrades to use.


However, if you are under attack, it is not always wise to upgrade to T3 - otherwise you will have no resources and hardly any workers out there gathering.



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I agree with using Grenaders against Mechs - i have been using them a lot more lately - they destroy Mechs and Heavy Artillary very quickly...


DarthMaulUK - Please could you give me a link to this Strategy Guide that u keep refering to - i just want to make sure that i am going to the right place???

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Originally posted by MadrixTF

Thanks for the suggestions! This is the type of thread that really interests me!


lukeiamyourdad wrote:


"By the way, it is hard to counter air cruisers when you are playing a non-air civ... any ideas?"


I find that Adv Air Turrets are the best defence against Air Cruisers. Also a few aircraft from any Civ will take out Air Cruisers fairly easily - unless of course they have lots of their own aircraft backing up their Air Cruisers... (that's where i got screwed)


Anybody else got a suggestion on this one...?


Assuming you have a Jedi with the ability, try converting the Air Cruiser. AA Mobiles can be decent as well, especially if you spread them out a bit to that the opponents air has to pick them off individually instead of in one big blast. A number of the weak air units get the anti-air boost (more range and more damage), so it's best to take advantage of it).



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cant convert air cruisers... tried it before.


simple fighters can easily kill a cruiser.

cruisers dont have good ability vs other air. only ground.


as far as grenaders vs the mechs? i tend to not use them much... but it's an idea i havent really tried... i dont think it'll work well though if they get killed as easy as a normal trooper does...


and DMUK, you got that link? i'll look for it at GB.com anyway...

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You sure about that? I'm pretty certain that the computer converted one of my air cruisers before. Course this IS the computer we're talking about so maybe it was just cheating...


Fighters are the best way to take out air cruisers, but if you're air-weak going against air-strong and the cruiser has a fighter escort, then it's another story.


BTW, another decent strategy is, of course, the hiding of AA troops, whether it be in assaults or turrets/fortresses/command centers. Generally it will take a number of AC shots to take one of these down, so after it fires, just deploy the troops and take it down.



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In that case you should probably keep your main force back just a little bit (out of the view of your opponent) and use a couple fast units to draw your opponent out of his/her base (and out of the cover fire of the turrets). Turning people from a distance works fairly well at kicking people into action, even if you have to quit the turning to run.



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lukeiamyourdad : "Actually, my problem is when I play a air-weak civ and they use air cruisers for defense, backing them up with lots of AA turrets and regular turrets against my AA. "


I normally use a few undeployed canon's to take out the AA & regular Turrets, keeping your main force back a bit as Kryllith suggested. Then use Fighters to take out the Air Cruisers. Once these obstacles are removed then move your main force in and blast your opponenet to hell...

don't move your main force in before you have taken out the Air cruisers - they inflict heavy damage on ground troops!

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Guest DarthMaulUK

This is a good guide for newbies starting out



This shows the importance of War Centre upgrades




Those civs who have weaker air, have an increase in ranged AA turrets. To help defend against the AC, you must have a decent spread of AA turrets....their range SHOULD match the AC (weaker air unit civs only) - providing you have made all the upgrades.


Its also wise to have a group of fighters...around 10-12 to take out any AC threat - yes they might be destroyed but u should be able to take out the AC - which does alot of damage!




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Heck if you've workers with you then you might consider building a fortress or some turrets (AA and Laser) and a shield generator w/ power core before dragging them out. Then at least you could garrison certain units and force your opponent to deal with the additional fire power. Course, if you're going to do this then I suggest attacking from the side if at all possible, out of the way of traffic that might discover your workers and kill them before they have a chance.



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Originally posted by MadrixTF

I normally use a few undeployed canon's to take out the AA & regular Turrets, keeping your main force back a bit as Kryllith suggested.


The cannons will be reduced to little craters on the ground before they are even undeployed. AC's, or Grenaders, can kill them VERY fast. If you put units in front to defend the cannons the air cruisers will destroy them.


Stalemate. You just have to counter with your own air cruisers and hope that you have more nova than your opponent. If you have AA retrofit, you are actually better off than the Air-strong civs because your longer range mobiles have a chance of destroying a few AC's. Rebels also are good for countering this because Airspeeders are surprisingly good against AC's and resistant to AA turrets.


AA Retrofit does NOT affect turret range. AA turret range matches AC range exactly, but the AC can hit it from out of range with splash damage. The AI does not know how to do this though.

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