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Stop fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guest MasterYoda

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Guest MasterYoda

Leave porkins alone, and everyone stop fighting. This is not the place for it. This is a place for JPB stuff, not 6th grade fighting.





MasterYoda JPB Moderator

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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

ROFLMAO Leave Porkins alone????








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Guest jedihorn1

Preach it MasterYoda! Amen!




There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, only knowledge. There is no passion, there is serinity. There is no death, there is the Force. (GOD)-Jedi Code

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

Porkins is our friend and we all make fun of each other. If you could undelete that, that would be great. I would hate to have to report you to Kurgan for deleting things that offend nobody. If you were ever actually in this room moderating you would know that porkins is fat and that he likes to talk about how fat he is.



Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

Jeez Yoda relax, Porkins is our buddy. he started talking about it. Lay off the drama.






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[This message has been edited by Obi-wan Shinobi (edited April 27, 2000).]

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Guest MasterYoda

Still their was bad lanauge wich is not allowed we had adults and children that come here. Thats is why I closed the post. You can go ahead and tell kurkan if u would like im sure he would agree with me. And about what you said about me actually being here, well im 18 and very busy. I have a lot of resonsiblites, but i come here when ever i have time.





MasterYoda JPB Moderator


[This message has been edited by MasterYoda (edited April 27, 2000).]

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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

there was no bad launguge in that thread.








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Guest Derbunk

I don't remember anything that was inappropriate except for maybe zapping porkins but that would not be considered bad language by any means





Walking fleabag of the Un-Council

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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

That was the cleanest thread we have had all day smile.gif








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Guest Derbunk

so why did you delete it if there was nothing wrong with it?!





Walking fleabag of the Un-Council

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Guest MasterYoda

Well I wanted to delete it before any other profanity would be put on their.





MasterYoda JPB Moderator

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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

That makes no sense. Yoda are you drunk and or high smile.gif








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Guest jedihorn1

You all need ta grow up. Yoda is just doing his job. You got a problem with his judgement take it to Kurgon. I think Kurgon will agree with Yoda though. The choice is yours.




There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, only knowledge. There is no passion, there is serinity. There is no death, there is the Force. (GOD)-Jedi Code

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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

You are all losing your minds. He is deleting posts for no reason.








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Guest Derbunk

no matter what the good side of the force will prevail and if that doesen't work then we will poop in socks





Walking fleabag of the Un-Council

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

Good idea. I sent Kurgan a message.



Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest Hannibal

I have to agree with Derbunk. The only way to solve this is to walk ten paces, turn then poop in a sock. The poopiest sock wins. (2nd time today i used the word poopiest! wink.gif)


Potential Man-eating vice-president of the Un-Council




[This message has been edited by Hannibal (edited April 27, 2000).]

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