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Episode 2 Has a new Villian

Guest BigBud

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Guest BigBud

This is the concepte art for Episode 2's new villian. DARTH RAGE


On Jediknight.net, they had interviews with people who worke for Lucas saying things like. " If you liked Maul, your really gonna like the next guy. " caus people were mad that Maul Died so quik. I can see what he ment, there is a big resemelance.





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Guest BigBud

JediKnigh.net. And confermed it from a few other sights that I stumbled on to, but cant remember were. Dig, and you will find info on him too. smile.gif

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Guest Derbunk

big bud would you like some sedatives something of the sort?????





Walking fleabag of the Un-Council

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Guest BigBud

LOL biggrin.gifsmile.gifbiggrin.gifsmile.gifbiggrin.gifsmile.gifbiggrin.gif


I have so much energy righ now, and am jumping up and down screeming, caus it night and I cant do anything. SO I TYPED SOMETHING THAT I SCREAMED.


damn, i am crazzy.


I think I will take those now.

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Guest BigBud




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Guest Derbunk

If you need a bat or anything just ask ok....!

Ya know to knock yourself out or something wink.gif





Walking fleabag of the Un-Council

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Guest BigBud

No I have one, and already did

that Wile listing to Break Stuff,

by Limp Biskit.


Dont worry, Im better now. biggrin.gif



RAH! mad.gif LOL

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Guest Darth_Simpson

I think Rage is a fake. He has been on the page off SuperShadow a LONG time, and SuperShadow is the worst rumour-startter ever. He is just a big liar. It would be cool if it was Rage though!

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Guest BigBud

But all the big sites like JEDIKNIGH.NET and THEFORCE.NET and even LUCASART.COM have interveiws with people saying the same thing.


OH, IT's Tooooooo late.




MTFBWY and goooooood night.


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Guest Sith-Lord GanjaTron

What about the chick on MASters of teras kasi with the robotic arm thing... she could be the villian.

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Guest jedihorn1

Just what has he Lied about? Can you give specifics? Something that has been proved to be false? I have watch his site for over three years now, and while i have been skeptical I havent really found anything that hasn't ended up being true. His plot summary for ep. 1 was dead on. If u are referring to the possibility of him reading the rough rough draft of the ep.2 script, how do we know that he hasn't? Lucas hasn't said or posted anything contrary. Sorry if I'm gettin on a soap box smile.gif but i like his site, and while he is becomming arrogent, I havent really seen anything that has proven to be grotesquely false.

Originally posted by Darth_Simpson:

I think Rage is a fake. He has been on the page off SuperShadow a LONG time, and SuperShadow is the worst rumour-startter ever. He is just a big liar. It would be cool if it was Rage though!



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There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, only knowledge. There is no passion, there is serinity. There is no death, there is the Force. (GOD)-Jedi Code


[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited May 08, 2000).]

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Guest Darth_Simpson

I read on a web-page, I dont remember which, that LucasFilm denied sending a script of Ep.2 to SuperShadow. They didnt do it, because back then, Lucas himself said the script werent finished.

And do you really believe he got a special invitation to Skywalker Ranch?


Dont get me wrong, I lot SW rumours, but SuperShadow steps over the Thin Red Line!




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Guest Jedi Trunks

dude that is gonna be the best enemy yet i bet! yo i bet he is like super stong or what not. u'll see he'll probably kill some jedi, just like someone else said.





Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"I was merely here to save a life, now I must kick some Cell booty."

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Guest Plo Koon

I highly doubt that is the new "Darth" in Episode II. Why would Lucas do another double lightsaber? (or more appropriately lightstaff) The lightstaff was something special for Maul only. That would suck if this is the new apprentice or villian.


If every villian had a lightstaff, Star Wars would look stupid. I think he will a single blade, and have a different name. If you notice the Sith names (with the exeption of Maul) they all have something in common.


If you add "in" to the front of their name, you get a real word.





Insidious means treachery

Invader means, well you better know what invader means.


Maul is the only exception for reasons unknown. ALL the future Sith will follow the same pattern. I doubt that is the new villian.




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Guest BigBud



He is using another double lighsaber, because everyone liked maul cause of it. Not to menchin, everyone being mad when Maul died.


And how is TWO jedi's using staffsabers ALL the Jedi's. HOW IS THAT BORING. Thats only two.


So is every other Jedi BORING, because all there sabers are the same. SINGLE

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Guest Ryusui

Originally posted by BigBud:



He is using another double lighsaber, because everyone liked maul cause of it. Not to menchin, everyone being mad when Maul died.


I dunno...it doesn't seem like Lucas to do something like that. JUST because people were sure mad about Maul, doesn't mean he'd go and make a second one.

Oh, and it's enrage.



And how is TWO jedi's using staffsabers ALL the Jedi's. HOW IS THAT BORING. Thats only two.


When refering to the movies, then it'd be two out of, so far, three Sith. So it's the same thing, two over three.



So is every other Jedi BORING, because all there sabers are the same. SINGLE


Nope. This was the traditional style. Frankly, I believe there are only two ways to do a saber. A sword style and bo-staff style. It was all originally bo-staff...then Lucas spiced things up by doing it double-sided. Single isn't boring...it's traditional.



Laterz. Peace kiddies. \/-_-

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