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Episode 2 Has a new Villian

Guest BigBud

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Guest Darth_Simpson

I believe the next Sith is gonna use two sabers, one in each hand. The lightstaff will not return and Darth Rage will never be, he is just a fake rumour. ( That is my opinion anyway ).


Ryusui : How can he spice up a bo-staff by making it double-sided? The bo IS double-sided.



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Guest Ryusui

Oops! Hee hee! I meant it was all originally single-sided! I guess my fingers were moving faster than my mind! = P



Laterz. Peace kiddies. \/-_-

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Everyone, I'm sorry, but I have to do this...


The "concept art" you saw in the first post in this thread of Darth Rage, is FAN ART. Fan Art from TheForce.Net's Fan Art Museum.

LFL does not use photoshop to create their conceptual sketches. Think about it:


First, the entire picture is thrown together and blurred with photoshop to cover up the seams.

Second, if you know anything about Doug Chiang, Ian McCain, or any other conceptual artist related to Star Wars, you'd know that ANY sketches of the character wouldn't have a cheesy Darth Sidious background and the poorly created text - not to mention the over-the-top photoshop lense flares.

Second, if this were an actual piece of conceptual work, the character's entire body would be defined and not blury, other than his head. Also, the perspective of this picutre is wrong too - the hand sticking out would be more defined than the rest of him, due to the fact that it is closer to the viewer than anything else in the picture.

Lastly, if there is one thing George Lucas is not, it's redundant.

He created ANOTHER character with tattooes and a double-bladed saber because everyone liked Maul so much? Um, no. First of all, Lucas *knew* everyone would like Maul as much as they did, so if he wanted to use a character exactly like him in the next film, he wouldn't have killed Maul off in the first place. He did it for a reason.

Second, since when does Lucas take suggestions when writing his scripts? This is his vision, and he doesn't bow to anyone's suggestions or demands.


In conclusion, everything you've read about this Darth Rage, is entirely false. Even the name, Darth Rage, is too generic for Lucas' style...



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Guest the13thJedi

This whole thing about a new apprentice is CRAP... only Lucas knows the truth about that, Besides, This board is for JEDI POWER BATTLES!!

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