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Secrets: Please post them here!

Guest mtw4

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Please post game secrets here if they are not on my list below. I would like to go unlock whatever I have missed but I'm not sure what everyone else has discovered.


1. Win with Qui-Gon, play with Maul.


2. Win with Obi-Wan, play with Amidala or Panaka.


3. Win with Mace, unlock level 14.


4. Win Level 14, get ultimate saber.


5. Find three Gungan artifacts, unlock level 13.


6. Win Level 13, unlock "concept art" section.


7. Win with Plo, unlock level 11 or 12.


8. Win with Adi, unlock level 11 or 12 (whatever one Plo doesn't unlock; I haven't one with either because my midichorian count is so damn low).




1. If you beat levels 11 and 12, do you unlock anything?


2. If you win the game with Maul, Amidala, or Panaka do you unlock anything?


3. If you get all playable characters to level 10, skill 100 do you unlock anything?


4. The game booklet says that if you maximize your point value, the Jedi Council will reward you for your efforts. What does this mean? Do they make you a knight or member of the council? Is it stupid or cool?


5. What have I missed?

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P.S. OK, Plo unlocks Droidekas and Adi unlocks the Kaduu race game.


Also, I know that getting all five original players to Level 10, skill 100 gets you nowhere new, but what I meant to ask above was that if you get all five originals, plus Maul, Amidala, and Panaka through to Level 10, skill 100, does that get you anywhere new?

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Guest Sith-Lord GanjaTron

I have just gotten Maul, Amidala, and Panaka to Level 10, Skill 100, And it unlocks Darth Sidious... but i haven't beaten the game with him yet, maybe Yoda?

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Guest Darth Wart

I will dare to say the previous posting is a bald-faced lie. I've taken those three characters through the game, too, and though you can raise their level to 10, their skill will stay at zero.


And doing that doesn't unlock Darth Sidious; it unlocks Richard Simmons!


Seriously, it doesn't unlock anybody and you know it.


Spreading false rumors isn't cool unless they're FUNNY false rumors, and that ain't.


Guys, back me up here.

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Guest porkins

secrets? ummm ok... joni loves chachi. but please don't tell anyone else i told you. chachi would kill me.



Jedi Uncouncil Co-Chairman, All-Time Champion of the Jedi Belching Contest

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yeah, i'm with you. darth sidious thing would not have been funny had i played through with all 8 guys and found nothing.


i have played maul through a few levels, so i knew his skill didn't change. it's good to know i don't have to worry about getting all those frickin points with the new people.


Seriously though, no joke, do you unlock anything if you beat levels 11 and 12? Has anyone paid attention? I totally missed the concept art thing the first time I played gungan roundup - not that the concept art was that cool or anything.


I have to have missed something. please share

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Guest BigBud

This **** always makes me mad. mad.gif Why would you lie like that. Do you feel inportant. GOD, you really pis me off. Then when we post this stuff to you, you dont respond, because you know this is bull****.



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Guest Barnabas Antilies

Chill out bigbud. You need to channel your aggresion towards darthjustin69



Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest BigBud

If you read my post about Darth rage, you would understand that the mad faces are an inside joke.


But they do make me mad for lying.


and to your statement. Y

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