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anyone else think Darth Maul's death was cheesy?

Guest quite-gone gin

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Guest quite-gone gin

(I'm brand new to the board so forgive me if this topic already took place!)


Come on, Darth Maul was bad to the bone, taking on two Jedi at once with a saber too dangerous for most beings to handle, and finishing off Qui-Gonn (how also fell for a cheesy move!) with the equivalent of a head-butt! All those Jedi reflexes and force moves! Then, in a moment of gloating, he loses all his prowess and falls for Obi-wan's force jump over his head (while force pulling Qui-Gonn's saber). What, did he forget about Qui-Gonn's saber? He didn't notice Obi-wan was about to try something? His saber was in hand, all he had to do was hold it out and Obi-wan would have jumped into it! No, all Darth Maul does is get a dumb look on his face and the only only Jedi reflex he has is to turn around just in time to feel his inards seared!!! I don't buy it. That was so cheesy I looked around for some wine to go with it! They might as well just had Darth Maul accidentally trip over Qui-gonn's body and impale himself on his own saber!


How about this: Obi does a backward motion, back-flipping force jump to the other side of of the pit, of course landing at the same time Qui-gonn's saber reaches his hand, and the sword-play continues. THEN Darth Maul's final moment is seen, dying in the heat of battle, in a blaze of glory wielding his saber against one ticked-off Jedi, not falling for a simple move with a dumb puppy-dog look on his face.


Or, Obi, after landing, force pushes Maul (who happened to be in front of that energy field) into the energy field, which would ruin anyone's concentration, then Obi force leaps across the pit to deliver his final blow.


BTW, Maul falling down the pit was cool - his day was falling apart (hehe), he probably felt like he was being pulled in two different directions at once(hehehe); I guess he had to split! (hehehehe)

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Guest BigBud

I thought it was **** too. I mean he was fighting two Jedi at a time. Then gets killed in one move. He had so much time to block it two, scence Obi-wan was in the air so long.


The only explination I have, is that sence Maul is use to fighting with a double lightsaber. He forgot for a moment that it was cut in half, and he tryd to block with the rong half.


Which is kinda exeptable. BUT he was fighting with one half fine. And when Obi-wan was in the pit, he was swinging at him, so how could he forget that quick.


Mabe if it had ben like 5 minuts. But he swong at him, like 2 second befor obi did that trick.


I DONT KNOW WHAT TO THINK. mad.giffrown.gif

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Guest xler8


I had heard that Qui Gon's spirit was aiding Obi-wan after his death (merging their strengths to defeat the Sith warrior).


Earlier QuiGon says Jedi can "see things before they happen". When Darth Maul is frowning down on Obi-wan, he looks confused. I wonder here if spirit Qui-Gon + Obi-Wan are using the force to cloud his mind/overwelm him.

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Guest Darth skywalker

Darth maul looked stupid when Obi killed him he looked like if he was constipated or something.





*Darth Skywalker*

*Sith lord*

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