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SiS Question...


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I just bought this Ciccero P4 2.0GHZ computer from Future Shop a few days ago, and I found that it has a 32mb Intergrated SiS 650 3dcard. Does this 3dcard support opengl? cause i've heard a lot of bad comments about SiS. Heres my Specs


P4 2.0 GHZ

512mb DDR RAM

SiS Intergrated 32mb SiS650 video card.

and the rest are fine...

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Ouch, bad mistake you made there. Future Shop is a ripoff when it comes to buying computers, trust me on that. Not only did you pay far too much you ended up with some crappy components like the SiS chipset. What you should have done was go to a small local computer shop and buy all the hardware peice by peice and have them put it together for you on the spot, you'd save a ton of money and end up with a much better computer than what you have.


My advice, take it all back to Future Shop and get a refund if you can.. then upgrade the way i said.


If you're absolutely stuck with it then yes your SiS650 does support opengl, but you can bet your experience with it will not be a good one. Its total crap compared to an ATI Radeon or Geforce 4 which is what you should have got.

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I had an SiS chipset for a VERY LOOONNNGGG time, and yes, all the bad comments that you heard are VERY true. The best thing you could do now is pull that video card out of your system and pour water on it. SiS should quit making chipsets because 1) they DO NOT support OpenGL in ANY form, 2) frame rates are obsenly slow, 3) AGP bus rate is slow on the card side and 4) no matter what you do, you will NEVER EVER EVER get ANY game have any performance as far as video is concerned.


I've been building computers for 5 years now, SiS was one of the first to jump onto the AGP bus technology train, and they were also the first to fall off as far as advancements in the AGP bus are concerned. I've never seen a company that puts out as crappy of products as SiS does last so long.

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Originally posted by silentdragon48

SiS should quit making chipsets because 1) they DO NOT support OpenGL in ANY form


His SiS card DOES support opengl, i looked it up before i answered. But ya i agree they should quit making chipsets, its too bad a lot of uninformed people get sucked into buying them, thats the only reason they're still in business.

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Oh god no man that card is just as bad, take it from me you don't want anything other than a Geforce4 or ATI Radeon card. Don't make the same mistake you did before, it is clear that you aren't too knowledgable about computers so listen to someone who is. ;)


Don't be sucked into that "brand name" BS, you will still get brand name stuff if you have it custom built, in fact you will end up with better brand names than what you'd get doing it your way. Usually the people at those little shops i mentioned are very honest and won't try to sell you crap like Future Shop and other big stores do.

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