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Monitoring Cameras


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Can someone please explain to me how to properly add a camera/cameras to a MP map...


I have tried everything I could think of by myself and it still won't work.


I would use the search function but it appears to have been disabled...(stupid idea for a forum like this but meh not my place to judge.)


Thanks in advance.

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I've done it but it's kinda tricky and not too reliable. Here's the tutorial that I used to learn how to do them:




Now, of course you can ignore all the stuff about teleporters if you like. Anyway, this is all and fine except the success of the whole thing relies on the placement of your portal brush. I've found that if you place it so that when you stand looking at the portal and you are also facing other parts of your map that these parts leak through and cause undesirable results. When I placed my portals facing empty space it seemed to work fine although I think you will find they aren't as great as you would hope because it has the tendency to fade as you move away from it. Anyway, that's my $.02.

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