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Xperienced Skinners - tutorials/FAQ submissions


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If this is in the wrong place to post about this please feel free to move it.


I would like skinning resources from any experienced skinners who would like to submit something to be hosted on PlasmaSkins.


I plan to write my own in the near future however my academic work has been increasing lately and I have at least 7 skins in the worx which I got to finish so I do not have the time to at the moment.


I'm sure however that there are a few skinners of experience in here that would like to share their knowledge.


If you have already composed something you would like hosted like tips/tricks for photoshop or another graphics program/FAQ's or anything relating to JKii skinning, please send it to me and I will be glad to host it.


- I realise that there are some great tutorials in the sticky posts, so if any of the authors of those would like their files mirrored I would be glad to do that.





Thanks guys.



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