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Serious MP Problem

-=Lord Oz=-

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Ok. So I've had this bug in my JK2 for some time and I can't figure out how to get rid of it. Normally when you join a server with custom skins and models on it, if you don't have the skin/model it shows up as the default Kyle skin. Well, this isn't happening for me. Instead I'm able to see the saber, off colored gloves and belt, and that's it. The ENTIRE body is invisible. I can't figure out why this is happening and you can imagine how irritating it would be to fight someone like this. Now I know you can turn FORCE PLAYER MODELS to ON, but I do have some skins and models that I'd like to see and forcing player models is an option I'd like not to use. If anyone knows why this is happening please let me know. Thanks.

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All i can suggest is to remove all your model/skin pk3's from the base folder, chances are you have a conflict with one of them. (i've had many)


If taking all those pk3's out fixes the problem then you're gonna have to test them out one by one until you find the one causing the trouble.

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