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Question about Ki-Adi Mundi...

Guest Darth skywalker

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Guest Darth skywalker

Is it true that his head is his weak spot and that if someone hits him in the head he'll die but anywhere else he wont?

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Originally posted by Darth skywalker:

Is it true that his head is his weak spot and that if someone hits him in the head he'll die but anywhere else he wont?

That I dont know, but I thought I read somewhere that he has 2 brains.



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Guest Plo Koon

Mojo, Yarael Poof has two brains, and Ki-Adi Mundi has two hearts. Ki-Adi's other heart is to support his very intricate brain. I'm not sure if he would die from a head blow, but it is possible.




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Guest Acid_Rain327

Yes, he has a binary brain, which gives him profound insight into the Force. This, and having been trained by Yoda himself, were two of the major factors in Ki-Adi-Mundi's being offered a place on the Jedi Council, being only of the position of Knight.


I'm fairly certain that his head, being so prominant a feature, would not be a weak-spot for him, or any of his race, the Cereans. However, because his brain is so complex, I would assume that a severe blow to the head would have more dire effects to a Cerean, than say a human.

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Yes Plo, Ki-Adi-Mundi doesn't have two brains, but one binary. This basically means that he may have two entirely seperate trains of thought simultainiously.

Say he were to be locked in battle with a foe. He could have one train of thought kept on the battle itself, and the other maintaining focus solely on the Will of the Force, allowing him greater ease in using the Living Force to aid him while he simultainiously fends off the enemy with his saber.


Yarael Poof, the invertebrate, Quermian Jedi, has two brains due to his physical structure. Because their necks are so long, his race has a second brain within their chests so signals sent to and from the brain would not have to first travel up and down that very long neck. That would dim his reflexes and bodily control. So, important signals are bi-passed to the brain in his chest.

For example, the other Quermian featured in TPM, was Gasgano the podracer. Were it not for his second brain, his reflexes would be far to slow to maintain his racer at such high speeds.





[This message has been edited by Acid_Rain327 (edited April 27, 2000).]

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Guest Darth Calypso

hey, wasnt there another two-hearted creature from star wars, ummm, let e think, oh yeah, the chadra fans, [remember the littl rodent-looking thing from the canita the one reaching up to the bar for a drink?] i think that his race has two hearts too, dosnt it?




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