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Im new to the site, hello all my jedi friends!

Guest Darth Calypso

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Guest Darth Calypso

Hello jedi council members, my name is darth calypso, aka pete, im new 'round these parts, so i just thought that id send salutations to everyone, maybe make me a jedi frind or two. i just got jedi power battles the other day, i love it, i think that it is by far, the best star wars orientated video game ever made. does anyoe know if there is a level select or if you can play with a blaster or something?





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Guest ShadeShifter

Let me be the first to welcome.


About your questions. There is no level select. You have to beat the level before to play the next or unlock hidden ones. You can only play with a blaster with the hidden characters Amidala and Panaka.


Hope that you enjoy the forum.




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Guest Darth Calypso

wow darth skywalker, very cool signature picture, where did you dig up that little gem of artwork?




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Guest Darth Calypso

thank you shade shifter, i went to a few websites for codes for the game, but most of them were all bogus, i hate it when that happens!




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Guest Darth Calypso

yeah, give it up, that would be most excelent!




"you're no good to me dead"


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Guest Darth Calypso

hey hey you guys, where is darth skywalker with that level select code he was talking about? im stuck in the game, and it would really help me out.




"you're no good to me dead"


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Guest Jedi Trunks







Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"I was merely here to save a life, now I must kick some Cell booty."

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Guest Darth Calypso

well, i got to tatooine,everyones been calling me a wussy and been telling me that its a really easy level, but i lost a whole lot of lives in the naboo palace, i think that thats whats killing me. frown.gif




"you're no good to me dead"


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Guest ShadeShifter

Tatooine can be difficult especially when your makin those small jumps in the canyon while dodging projectiles. Make sure you have you long range force power from the second level, it'll come in handy. If you exit to the title screen you can reenter the level with the maximum number of lifes that you can have.




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Guest Plo Koon

Hey Calypso! I'm Plo Koon. I'm a regular here, so you will be hearing from me a lot. You'll like this place.




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Guest Darth Calypso

ok, very cool, ill try that out next time, im playing as adi, and i guess that her personal shield would help me big time with the jumping, [i was so mad, last time i tryed it, i got all the way to the end of the jumping, but a tusken shot me outta the air and down a hole] cool pic, by the way, where did it come from?




"you're no good to me dead"


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Guest Darth Calypso

skywalker, do i need to hold L1 when i put int he code, or just press it once?thanx man, i appritiate it




"you're no good to me dead"


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Guest ShadeShifter

Your welcome for the tip. I couldn't get the level select code to work.


Maul Clone made the graphic for me.




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Guest Darth Calypso

hey hey ploo koon, i hope we can get to be "companions through the force" if you will. looking forward to getting to know you better. by the way, i am a SW trivia freak, anything you need to know, i could probably either tell you right off the bat, or look up for you.




"you're no good to me dead"


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