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To Jedi Master Yoda/Kurgan Please read out Moderators

Guest Jedi Trunks

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Guest Jedi Trunks

Sith-Lord GenjaTron has insulted me on how i draw. he has also been cursing, and my friend, Darth Wart has been sticking up for me, please kick GenjaTron out, look at my post that has "I haven't been on in a while..." You will see.





Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"I was merely here to save a life, now I must kick some Cell Ass."

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Guest Jedi Trunks

ok now its not about drawing, still there is no cursing on the site, everybody knows, that, and anyways that is not nearly my best work. but back to the cursing, you kno that there isn't any.





Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"I was merely here to save a life, now I must kick some Cell Ass."

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Guest porkins

i'm sorry, if you don't want to get criticized, don't ask "are my drawings good?" because weather they are or not, people will pick your stuff apart.


as for the swearing, i think everyone should sensor themselves if they feel the need to, just say something like a** or sh**. don't post cursewords here because there are younger kids that post. like me--i'm 5 and a half.


and i can't believe you are tattleing like a little kid, jedi trunks. you NARC!



Jedi Uncouncil Co-Chairman, All-Time Champion of the Jedi Belching Contest

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Guest Jedi Trunks

ok i am sorry for the "tatteling" but now u called me a narc, that ain't right, no body aint gonna like me now, and ure right about the critisizim. i should have not done anything or like should of said how are these, used the critisizim and start doing better







Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"I was merely here to save a life, now I must kick some Cell booty."

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Guest Plo Koon

You know Trunks, let me give you some "constructive" critiscism. You would do better on your drawings if you wouldn't color them. I love to draw, and draw everything

I can. But I don't color my pics. It looks better if you just outline them in black marker of felt pen. If you do have to color them, scan it into your computer and color it with a program.






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Guest Ikhnaton

ok, noone likes a tattle tale, but seriously, guys, I check this forum a lot and I see a lot of insults and whatnot in here. Keep the conversation related to the game as much as possible. Take a lesson from your fellow posters in the Cantina and the Racer forum. There are plenty of deep discussions yet they all manage to remain civil to each other.


Don't show off your insecurity by insulting others here. Show respect for yourself and your fellow gamers, please.

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