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Darth Wart.....

Guest Jedi Kenobi

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Guest Jedi Kenobi

I can't get that infinity jedi jumping code to work. I tried the FAQ of your guide but that didn't work. Any help would be great.




I really need to shrink this picture.

Jedi Kenobi

Jedi Knight

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<font color = "copper"> Here, im not sure if this will help you, but i found it on some guy's site, im not sure if any of the codes work (i dont evn have gameshk, to tell you the truth frown.gif )Hope i've helped! </font>


Star Wars: Episode 1 - Jedi Power Battles


Game Shark Codes


Unlock All Levels 800AD29C 000F


Infinite Credits 800B2404 0000


Infinite Health P1 800B240C 0064


Infinite Force P1 800B2414 0064


Infinite Bombs P1 800B241A 0005


Infinite Special P1 800B228C 000A

800B241A 000A


Max Score P1 800B2408 05F5

800B240A E0FF

Infinite Health P2 800B2428 0064


Infinite Force P2 800B2430 0064


Infinite Bombs P2 800B2436 0005


Infinite Special P2 800B2116 000A

800B2436 000A


Have All Handmaidens 800B22B4 000A

Obi-Wan Kenobi Codes


Have Max Skills Trade Federation Battleship 3008C9AF 0004


Have Trade Federation Battleship Completed 300B25F9 0001


Have Max Skills Swamps of Naboo 3008C9B0 0004


Have Swamps of Naboo Completed 300B25FA 0001


Have Max Skills City of Theed 3008C9B1 0004


Have City of Theed Completed 300B25FB 0001


Have Max Skills Theed Palace 3008C9B2 0004


Have Theed Palace Completed 300B25FC 0001


Have Max Skills Tatooine 3008C9B3 0004


Have Tatooine Completed 300B25FD 0001


Have Max Skills Coruscant 3008C9B4 0004


Have Coruscant Completed 300B25FE 0001


Have Max Skills Ruins 3008C9B5 0004


Have Ruins Completed 300B25FF 0001


Have Max Skills Streets of Theed 3008C9B6 0004


Have Streets of Theed Completed 300B2600 0001


Have Max Skills Palace Cliffs 3008C9B7 0004


Have Palace Cliffs Completed 300B2601 0001


Have Max Skills Final Battle 3008C9B8 0004


Have Final Battle Completed 300B2602 0001


Have All Levels Completed (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 50000A01 0000

300B25F9 0001


Have All Skills (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 50000A01 0000

3008C9AF 0004


All Levels Unlocked & Skill Maxed Out (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 300B25F9 0001

50000402 0000

800B25FA 0101

300B2602 0001

3008C9AF 0004

50000402 0000

8008C9B0 0404

3008C9B8 0004



Qui-Gon Jinn Codes


Have Max Skills Trade Federation Battleship 3008C9C1 0004


Have Trade Federation Battleship Completed 300B2619 0001


Have Max Skills Swamps of Naboo 3008C9C2 0004


Have Swamps of Naboo Completed 300B261A 0001


Have Max Skills City of Theed 3008C9C3 0004


Have City of Theed Completed 300B261B 0001


Have Max Skills Theed Palace 3008C9C4 0004


Have Theed Palace Completed 300B261C 0001


Have Max Skills Tatooine 3008C9C5 0004


Have Tatooine Completed 300B261D 0001


Have Max Skills Coruscant 3008C9C6 0004


Have Coruscant Completed 300B261E 0001


Have Max Skills Ruins 3008C9C7 0004


Have Ruins Completed 300B261F 0001


Have Max Skills Streets of Theed 3008C9C8 0004


Have Streets of Theed Completed 300B2620 0001


Have Max Skills Palace Cliffs 3008C9C9 0004


Have Palace Cliffs Completed 300B2621 0001


Have Max Skills Final Battle 3008C9CA 0004


Have Final Battle Completed 300B2622 0001


Have All Levels Completed (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 50000A01 0000

300B2619 0001


Have All Skills (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 50000A01 0000

3008C9C1 0004


All Levels Unlocked & Skill Maxed Out (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 300B2619 0001

50000402 0000

800B261A 0101

300B2622 0001

3008C9C1 0004

50000402 0000

8008C9C2 0404

3008C9CA 0004



Mace Windu Codes


Have Max Skills Trade Federation Battleship 3008C9D3 0004


Have Trade Federation Battleship Completed 300B2637 0001


Have Max Skills Swamps of Naboo 3008C9D4 0004


Have Swamps of Naboo Completed 300B2638 0001


Have Max Skills City of Theed 3008C9D5 0004


Have City of Theed Completed 300B2639 0001


Have Max Skills Theed Palace 3008C9D6 0004


Have Theed Palace Completed 300B263A 0001


Have Max Skills Tatooine 3008C9D7 0004


Have Tatooine Completed 300B263B 0001


Have Max Skills Coruscant 3008C9D8 0004


Have Coruscant Completed 300B263C 0001


Have Max Skills Ruins 3008C9D9 0004


Have Ruins Completed 300B263D 0001


Have Max Skills Streets of Theed 3008C9DA 0004


Have Streets of Theed Completed 300B263E 0001


Have Max Skills Palace Cliffs 3008C9DB 0004


Have Palace Cliffs Completed 300B263F 0001


Have Max Skills Final Battle 3008C9DC 0004


Have Final Battle Completed 300B2640 0001


Have All Levels Completed (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 50000A01 0000

300B2637 0001


Have All Skills (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 50000A01 0000

3008C9D3 0004


All Levels Unlocked & Skill Maxed Out (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 300B2637 0001

50000402 0000

800B2638 0101

300B2640 0001

3008C9D3 0004

50000402 0000

8008C9D4 0404

3008C9DB 0004



Plo Koon Codes


Have Max Skills Trade Federation Battleship 3008C9F7 0004


Have Trade Federation Battleship Completed 300B2675 0001


Have Max Skills Swamps of Naboo 3008C9F8 0004


Have Swamps of Naboo Completed 300B2676 0001


Have Max Skills City of Theed 3008C9F9 0004


Have City of Theed Completed 300B2677 0001


Have Max Skills Theed Palace 3008C9FA 0004


Have Theed Palace Completed 300B2678 0001


Have Max Skills Tatooine 3008C9FB 0004


Have Tatooine Completed 300B2679 0001


Have Max Skills Coruscant 3008C9FC 0004


Have Coruscant Completed 300B267A 0001


Have Max Skills Ruins 3008C9FD 0004


Have Ruins Completed 300B267B 0001


Have Max Skills Streets of Theed 3008C9FE 0004


Have Streets of Theed Completed 300B267C 0001


Have Max Skills Palace Cliffs 3008C9FF 0004


Have Palace Cliffs Completed 300B267D 0001


Have Max Skills Final Battle 3008CA00 0004


Have Final Battle Completed 300B267E 0001


Have All Levels Completed (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 50000A01 0000

300B2675 0001


Have All Skills (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 50000A01 0000

3008C9F7 0004


All Levels Unlocked & Skill Maxed Out (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 300B2675 0001

50000402 0000

800B2676 0101

300B267E 0001

3008C9F7 0004

50000402 0000

8008C9F8 0404

3008CA00 0004



Adi Gallia Codes


Have Max Skills Trade Federation Battleship 3008C9E5 0004


Have Trade Federation Battleship Completed 300B2656 0001


Have Max Skills Swamps of Naboo 3008C9E6 0004


Have Swamps of Naboo Completed 300B2657 0001


Have Max Skills City of Theed 3008C9E7 0004


Have City of Theed Completed 300B2658 0001


Have Max Skills Theed Palace 3008C9E8 0004


Have Theed Palace Completed 300B2659 0001


Have Max Skills Tatooine 3008C9E9 0004


Have Tatooine Completed 300B265A 0001


Have Max Skills Coruscant 3008C9EA 0004


Have Coruscant Completed 300B265B 0001


Have Max Skills Ruins 3008C9EB 0004


Have Ruins Completed 300B265C 0001


Have Max Skills Streets of Theed 3008C9EC 0004


Have Streets of Theed Completed 300B265D 0001


Have Max Skills Palace Cliffs 3008C9ED 0004


Have Palace Cliffs Completed 300B265E 0001


Have Max Skills Final Battle 3008C9EE 0004


Have Final Battle Completed 300B265F 0001


Have All Levels Completed (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 50000502 0000

800B2656 0101


Have All Skills (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 50000A01 0000

3008C9E5 0004


All Levels Unlocked & Skill Maxed Out (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 3008C9E5 0004

50000402 0000

8008C9E6 0404

3008C9EE 0004

50000502 0000

800B2656 0101





<font color = "gold"> Say "hi" to Bango, Jo-Jo's friend and faithfull sidekick.He helps me bounty hunt.</font>


The Un-Council's Disgruntled Bounty Hunter



[This message has been edited by Jedi Calypso (edited June 14, 2000).]

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Guest Jedi Kenobi

Thanks Calypso, but that doesn't have the jump code. Thanks anyway! Anyway to anyone that has the jump code working I got it to work, but I was wondering if there was a way to get it for second player.

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Guest Jedi Kenobi

Oh darn, but another thing is that on Wart's guide it has the code with 2 lines and the second line is the only one you need to get it to work. Just want to let him be aware of this.

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Guest Darth Wart

thanks; i'll have it changed.


in the meantime if you've read the FAQ (on the fifth revision), that's all I know about that code. I'm not hiding any knowledge; that's how I got it to work.






Currently the revised strategy guide is being housed (ON ONE PAGE!) at

http://darthwart.tripod.com/page1.html, which will be the address until Kanigget gets back at the end of June.

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<font color = "cyan"> Well, im still looking for the fabled "infinate jedi jumping code", but maybe theese will hold you untill then, have fun! smile.gif </font>



Captain Panaka Codes


Have All Levels Beaten

(GS 2.2 Or Higher Needed!) 50000A01 0000

300B26D2 0001


Have All Skills

(GS 2.2 Or Higher Needed!) 50000A01 0000

3008CA2D 0004


Have Trade Federation Battleship Beaten 300B26D2 0001


Have Swamps of Naboo Beaten 300B26D3 0001


Have City of Theed Beaten 300B26D4 0001


Have Theed Palace Beaten 300B26D5 0001


Have Tatooine Beaten 300B26D6 0001


Have Coruscant Beaten 300B26D7 0001


Have Ruins Beaten 300B26D8 0001


Have Streets of Theed Beaten 300B26D9 0001


Have Palace Cliffs Beaten 300B26DA 0001


Have Final Battle Beaten 300B26DB 0001


Have Max Skills-Trade Federation


Battleship 3008CA2D 0004


Have Max Skills-Swamps of Naboo 3008CA2E 0004


Have Max Skills-City of Theed 3008CA2F 0004


Have Max Skills-Theed Palace 3008CA30 0004


Have Max Skills-Tatooine 3008CA31 0004


Have Max Skills-Coruscant 3008CA32 0004


Have Max Skills-Ruins 3008CA33 0004


Have Max Skills-Streets of Theed 3008CA34 0004


Have Max Skills-Palace Cliffs 3008CA35 0004


Have Max Skills-Final Battle 3008CA36 0004


Unlock All Characters 800AD29C FFFF


Queen Amidala Codes


Have All Levels Beaten

(GS 2.2 Or Higher Needed!) 50000A01 0000

300B26B3 0001


Have All Skills

(GS 2.2 Or Higher Needed!) 50000A01 0000

3008CA1B 0004


Have Trade Federation Battleship Beaten 300B26B3 0001


Have Swamps of Naboo Beaten 300B26B4 0001


Have City of Theed Beaten 300B26B5 0001


Have Theed Palace Beaten 300B26B6 0001


Have Tatooine Beaten 300B26B7 0001


Have Coruscant Beaten 300B26B8 0001


Have Ruins Beaten 300B26B9 0001


Have Streets of Theed Beaten 300B26BA 0001


Have Palace Cliffs Beaten 300B26BB 0001


Have Final Battle Beaten 300B26BC 0001


Have Max Skills-Trade Federation Battleship 3008CA1B 0004


Have Max Skills-Swamps of Naboo 3008CA1C 0004


Have Max Skills-City of Theed 3008CA1D 0004


Have Max Skills-Theed Palace 3008CA1E 0004


Have Max Skills-Tatooine 3008CA1F 0004


Have Max Skills-Coruscant 3008CA20 0004


Have Max Skills-Ruins 3008CA21 0004


Have Max Skills-Streets of Theed 3008CA22 0004


Have Max Skills-Palace Cliffs 3008CA23 0004


Have Max Skills-Final Battle 3008CA24 0004



Darth Maul Codes


Have All Levels Beaten

(GS 2.2 Or Higher Needed!) 50000A01 0000

300B2694 0001


Have All Skills

(GS 2.2 Or Higher Needed!) 50000A01 0000

3008CA09 0004


Have Trade Federation Battleship Beaten 300B2694 0001


Have Swamps of Naboo Beaten 300B2695 0001


Have City of Theed Beaten 300B2696 0001


Have Theed Palace Beaten 300B2697 0001


Have Tatooine Beaten 300B2698 0001


Have Coruscant Beaten 300B2699 0001


Have Ruins Beaten 300B269A 0001


Have Streets of Theed Beaten 300B269B 0001


Have Palace Cliffs Beaten 300B269C 0001


Have Final Battle Beaten 300B269D 0001


Have Max Skills-Trade Federation Battleship 3008CA09 0004


Have Max Skills-Swamps of Naboo 3008CA0A 0004


Have Max Skills-City of Theed 3008CA0B 0004


Have Max Skills-Theed Palace 3008CA0C 0004


Have Max Skills-Tatooine 3008CA0D 0004


Have Max Skills-Coruscant 3008CA0E 0004


Have Max Skills-Ruins 3008CA0F 0004


Have Max Skills-Streets of Theed 3008CA10 0004


Have Max Skills-Palace Cliffs 3008CA11 0004


Have Max Skills-Final Battle 3008CA12 0004



All Levels Unlocked & Skill Maxed Out


Plo Koon

(GS 2.2 Or Higher Needed!) 300B2675 0001

50000402 0000

800B2676 0101

300B267E 0001

3008C9F7 0004

50000402 0000

8008C9F8 0404

3008CA00 0004


Qui-Gon Jinn

(GS 2.2 Or Higher Needed!) 300B2619 0001

50000402 0000

800B261A 0101

300B2622 0001

3008C9C1 0004

50000402 0000

8008C9C2 0404

3008C9CA 0004


Mace Windu

(GS 2.2 Or Higher Needed!) 300B2637 0001

50000402 0000

800B2638 0101

300B2640 0001

3008C9D3 0004

50000402 0000

8008C9D4 0404

3008C9DB 0004


Obi-Wan Kenobi

(GS 2.2 Or Higher Needed!) 300B25F9 0001

50000402 0000

800B25FA 0101

300B2602 0001

3008C9AF 0004

50000402 0000

8008C9B0 0404

3008C9B8 0004


Ad Gallia

(GS 2.2 Or Higher Needed!) 3008C9E5 0004

50000402 0000

8008C9E6 0404

3008C9EE 0004

50000502 0000

800B2656 0101






<font color = "gold"> Say "hi" to Bango, Jo-Jo's friend and faithfull sidekick.He helps me bounty hunt.</font>


The Un-Council's Disgruntled Bounty Hunter



[This message has been edited by Jedi Calypso (edited June 15, 2000).]

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smile.gifsmile.gif<font color = "copper"> FINALLY! here it is, i found it, the ultimate jedi jump code for gameshark. </font> smile.gifsmile.gif


Unlimited Jedi Jumps:

<font color = "gold">D409D094 0020

8009D094 0004 </font>




<font color = "cyan"> Along the way, ive found these too: </font>


Unlimited health player 1:

800B240C 0064


Unlimited Force player 1:

800B2414 0064


Unlimited special player 1:

800B228C 000A

800B241A 000A


Unlimited health player 2:

800B2428 0064


Unlimited Force player 2:

800B2430 0064


Press Select to choose hidden character:

D40B2CBC 0100

800B2CBC 0001


Unlimited special for player 2:

800B2116 000A

800B2436 000A


Max score for player 1:

800B2408 05F5

800B240A E0FF


Press L1+R1 for All handmaidens/pilot:

D00B22B4 000C

800B22B4 000A


All secret levels unlocked:

800AD29C 000f


Unlimited health for Anakin:

800B247C 0064


Unlimited credits:

800B2404 0000


<font color = "green"> There you have it, as the UN-council's disgruntled bounty hunter, are thee any other codes you need? If so, i shall "bounty hunt" them. If not, Bango and i shall collect our bounty and be on our way.</font>


<font color = "gold"> Bango: EEK! EEK! i want my bounty! EEK! EEK! </font>




<font color = "gold"> Say "hi" to Bango, Jo-Jo's friend and faithfull sidekick.He helps me bounty hunt.</font>


The Un-Council's Disgruntled Bounty Hunter



[This message has been edited by Jedi Calypso (edited June 15, 2000).]

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Is it any way to unlock Maul/Amidala/Panaka with a Gameshark code?


And when I use GameShark to get all skills annd all levels on all characters, Mace Windu just have skill 90. Whazzup with that?



Hunger leads to donuts...



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Guest Darth_Simpson

Well, I worked out the Mace thing, but I am still wondering about that Maul/Amidala/panaka thing!



Hunger leads to donuts...



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Guest Jedi Kenobi

Yeah, there's a code. It also unlocks the secret levels and gives you ultimate saber. Even in Two player mode. Let me check for it.

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