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The Real Topics

Guest the13thJedi

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Guest the13thJedi

People, I'm new to this board but the things I see right off the bat are ridiculous. I joined this forum to talk about the secrets of JPB and help the people who haven't finished it yet. Unfortunately, most of what I see is garbage. If you want to bicker and babble back and forth FIND A NEW FORUM because this one is for JEDI POWER BATTLES fot the SONY PLAYSTATION.... Any Questions?

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Guest Adi_Gallia

<font face="Calligraph421 BT"><font color="lightblue"> At last a newbie that understands! Help me the13thJedi, your our only hope!I wish everyone could get along around here and discuss the game. But nooooooooooo! And you see how many people complain about the non-JPB topics? See them?Aren't there a lot?THEN WHY DO YOU PEOPLE CONTINUE TO DO THIS!


I'm sorry if this isn't the kind of welcome you expected the13thJedi, ::sighs:: these people can NOT get their acts together. I wonder if we are overpopulated with 10 year olds or something. I wish you luck on finding the help you need or the people that need your help on this board. All I can say is, May the Force be with you!





Jedi Master Adi Gallia


~A Jedi Knight?!I'm out of it for a little while and everyone grows up.~

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

I agree that we should stay pretty much on the topic of JPB, but a little off-topicness doesn't hurt. In fact, as long as it's restrained (hint, hint), it will only add to the appeal of this once great message board.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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Guest Acid_Rain327

I agree, that this forum should be more oriented to it's purpose, the game.


However, like Kanigget said, a little "off-topic-ness" doesn't hurt.

Like talking about the Star Wars films - we're all fans here, so it's something we all connect with each other on.

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

I mean that off-topicness should be confined bascially to Star Wars. The topic I have going with obi-wan13 fits that criteria. Look at the early days of this forum. There was off-topicness there, and most of it was good.(Excluding the Council Wars) It CAN work, people just need to know how to use it correctly.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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Guest the13thJedi

you still don't get it. this board was created EXCLUSIVELY for JPB and people who want to dicuss JPB. It was created for that purpose and no others... Thats all there is to it.

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

YOU still don't get it. If it was all about JPB, the regulars would leave, tired of giving the same advice over and over and over and over.(Get my drift?) IF this forum WAS exclusively for topics of JPB over 75% of the threads would be closed. MOST of those threads in some way have to do with Star Wars, some do not. Again, I repeat, if you do not like this arrangement, go elsewhere, there are probably several other forums out there with only JPB on their minds.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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Guest Hannibal

Jedi Kanigget is right. Do you see how many dead (or almost dead) game forums there are? If the regulars here go to the cantina and all their friends go to the cantina then there is no reason for them to check here as regularly as they do. Then questions really don't get answered. Think, if you and your friends hang out somewhere then they stop and go somewhere else, you gonna hangout by yourself? Probably not. (I hope not)



biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif<font color="red"> I Love Everbody! </font color> biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Man-eating vice-president of the Un-Council


[This message has been edited by Hannibal (edited April 29, 2000).]

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Guest the13thJedi

You may have a point, however I think that some of the "off-topic" discussion has come to the point of being just plain ridiculous.

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Guest Jedi Kenobi

Also, everyone has gotten most of their questions answered, and I think once the May 10th announcement is made then there will be a lot more JPB-oriented questions.




Jedi Kenobi

Jedi Knight

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Guest Acid_Rain327

At risk of sounding like a smart-ass, I have to say that by continuing this discussion, The13thJedi, you are fueling the complaints you have brought up against this board.


If you do not like this forum, I suggest you leave. As Kanigget said, there are probably thousands upon thousands of JPB forums. However, I foresee that the majority of the users of these boards do not confine their conversations to that of only the game.


How long have you been here? A day or two? I suggest you take the time to get to know at least a portion of the people here, before you pass such judgement on this forum, or any person using it.


You may even make a friend.

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Guest the13thJedi

Don't get me wrong, I'm not out to make any enemies... It just seems to me that if this is the forum for JPB then maybe some of the conversation should pertain to JPB. It isnt all bad, but when you get so ridiculousy off track that it has nothing to do with anything, that when this isn't the proper forum. I mean I dont know about you but It'd be nice to see if some of us could put our heads together to really try and find KI-Adi-Mundi or something even better hidden in this game.

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Guest Darth Wart

Rumor has it that LucasArts is going to make an announcement about JPB on May 10, 13thJedi.


Many people are hoping it'll be the release of codes that unlock secret characters, but I think they're just going to announce the release date of a souped-up PC version.


Go to LucasArts.com on May 10 for the news, whatever it is.

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Guest 84Elan

The May tenth anouncment is from Lucas Arts if you go to his web site you will see the intro ad. Many folks here think that one of the Anoucements on the 10th of may will be codes for unlocking hidden characters in the game I beleive that it will be a anoucment of JPB for N64. I say this because on IGN64 there is a EP1 game slated for release late 2000 and the maker is listed as Nintendo. Well we all know Lucasarts makes SW games and the 64 has not had a SW game out sence Pod racing so I bet JPB is coming out for 64 they may cut loose with some codes later on but not on 5-10.



Remember...Your Focus Determins your Reality....

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Guest Jedi Kenobi

They said there was a slim chance that it would come out on n64. The newest game was supposed to be Star Wars Demolition.




Jedi Kenobi

Jedi Knight

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