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it's just a weeeeee bit more complicated then that, but this might help. Take the image of the skin you want to re-do, say, luke for instance. Open it in your favorite paint program (I like photoshop, but any one should do). Paint the change on it and save it. Put the image into a pak file under the same folder structure used in the assets0.pk3 only instead of naming the last folder just luke, make it something like my_luke. Add your custom JPG image and the model.glm file from the original folder you took the original image from and save it as a pk3 file. Put the newly saved pk3 file in your jk2 base folder and you just made a new skin.


a bit too fast? did I miss anything?

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I am also trying to figure out this skinning delema........ cant this be easier :)


I really wanna make my own skins!!, then once this is conquered....HAHA MODELLING!!!!!!


umm i just posted about some skinning stuff, but can u go through how to make all the files in the pk3 file Psynex?......

Starting from after you have made your alterations.


Baby step by baby step plz..lol




Dont be shy explaining this stuff either, no step is too small!!! :)



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I've heard this question before. I use Winzip for .pk3s and .zips, so this example will be specific for winzip.


Let's say you're done with that 'joe' skin for the kyle model in that example I gave for your other question. All of your files are in in the directory 'newskins/models/players/kyle.' Create a new winzip file in the 'newskins' folder and open it. Click on 'add.' In the field where it says 'look in,' select the 'newskins' folder. Then click on 'add with wildcards.' The files should be added with paths. Rename your 'New Winzip File.zip' file to whatever you want, but change the root to .pk3. And there you have it.

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