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Saber is crooked with new player model


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I've just created a new model:




When I play her in the game, the lightsaber is tilted slightly.


You can see it the best when you are standing still in red stance. The saber should be point straight up.


I loaded the Kyle and Stormtrooper skeletons and compared with mine and they look exactly the same.


Any idea how this has happened?

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its caused by the bolt_r_hand being misaligned

i had this problem too, the tag provided by the .xsi models werent aligned properly, so i had to move it milimetre by milimetre till it was perfect. but for some reason when i made my second model the tag that came with kyle did work... so its pretty confusing.


if you want i can zip both tag versions i have.

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Originally posted by Madjai

if you want i can zip both tag versions i have.


Please do!


I don't get it. I checked the position of my bolt_r_hand with that of Kyle and it's in the EXACT same position.


Does anyone know how to fix this?


I tried replacing my bolt_r_hand with Kyles.


Didn't work.




And another thing. When my model does the rearward stab move, her lightsaber is still pointing forward. I've seen this in other released models by other people.


Does this make more sense to you now, SpYzEr?

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Originally posted by Twisted Vertex

Hope this clearfies anything.




Yes, I've read that before.


9) Axis alignment is as follows: negative y is forward, negative x is right and positive z is up. See Figure 2 for an illustration of this. Note that the red, green and blue axis color corresponds with the colors of these axes in ModView. Figure 3 indicates how the tag surface should be aligned.


I still don't understand it. The tag seems to be perfectly aligned with the hand. It's in the exact same position as the same tag used in Kyle's model. In fact, I replaced my tag with Kyle's version and I got the exact same results.


Is there a certain, exact method of aligning this tag? Is so, align it with what? The tut you linked to does not give any such information. All it has is a hand-drawn arrow pointing in the general direction of the way it's supposed to be aligned. Zero help.

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Originally posted by Madjai

the saber not pointing backwards is the result of not having the bolt weighted to rhang_tag_bone, which it should be.


ill post the tags i have in a minute with an edit update.


edit: http://www.geocities.com/madpostal2002/tags.zip


dont forget, COPY&PASTE


Sorry, I just tried to download it and it said it wasn't there. (Not 404.)


The fact that bolt_r_hand needs to be weighted to rhand_tag_bone is an astonishingly important bit of info that needs to be included in any future tutorial.




I weighted all the verts in the bolt_*_hand meshes to their respective *hand_tag_bones. When I sent it through Carcass, I got the error message: "lhand_tag_bone not found." WTF? It's there! It's in the skeleton's hierarchy! I never, ever, touched it or replaced it! And Carcass can't find it? WTF? I made sure that the verts were weighted 100%, making sure they were colored red, just to double-check.


Now what?

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Originally posted by Flamegrape

Sorry, I just tried to download it and it said it wasn't there. (Not 404.)


well it works fine for me, i just tried it... could you be a little more specific on what it said?


i dont think the lhand tag has to be weighted to what i said earlier, only the rhand tag. so try giving it a different bone.

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When I click on the link it, it brings up a Yahoo! Geocities page that states: "This page is not available. We're sorry, but this page is currently unavailable for viewing. If this site belongs to you, please read this help page for more information and assistance. For general questions see our main help area, or search for other member pages."


However, I just discovered that if I right-click on the link, it downloads. That makes no sense. Oh well, whatever.


Thanxxx. I'll apply your advice and see what happens.

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WOW. That is so weird!


The first set of tags you gave me did not work. In fact, the saber was upside-down and she was stabbing herself with each swing of the saber.


But the second set worked perfectly and her sword is now straight. The strange thing is that the second set of tags were exactly the same as the original ones that I had in the first place! It makes no sense at all!


(BTW, when you said COPY&PASTE I thought you meant copy and paste the tags in MAX, not copy and paste the URL.)

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