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Just cant quite get it......skining...AHHH


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OK, heres the deal...


I know how to open the Assets0

I know how to view the jpg's

I know what i have to do to alter them...sorta, those jpgs are a bit weird to look at....but thats not my problem.


Ive gone through the tutorial featured in this site, all goes well untill i to part 3..


When i get to part 3, this is what it says after altering the desired images......


"Save them out under a different name. When you do, find the file name of the image file you modified in the new .skin file you copied and replace the name of the original image file with the name of the new one you just saved."


Ok, my problem is where it says the to find the image file in the new .skin file.(Are you meant to open the actual .skin file??, if so how....i dont know what program to use to open it)


Also when you do extract all the files it says, where do you save the altered ones.....(Same folder???, new folder within that one?)


Do i need to copy 1 of each of the files used for the skin and put them somewhere seperate?? For example, there are 3 files for the torso(Default, blue, red), yet there is only 1 for Accessories..


Do i need to make a copy of Accessories for my new skin??


If anyone knows what im talking about, can u plz help me out and explain PART 3 better for me......im am a NOOB at this.

If your not sure, look at the tutorial for skinning in the GUIDES section on this site........



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Here's an example of what you need to do:


Let's say you are making a skin for the Kyle model called "joe." You have extracted all the files from the assets0.pk3 into the proper file tree structure. You have made your own jpgs, and given them your own name (if all you're doing is making a new skin, place your new files in the same directory as the originals). Now, you must make a copy of the 'model_default.skin.' Then, rename the .skin file. For our "joe" skin, we would rename it as 'model_default_joe.skin" Now, open the new skin file (this can be done with a text editor, such as wordpad). You will find lines like this:







Simply change that text so that it uses the path and name of your graphic files. So you might say:




(leave the caps.tga alone)


Once you've done that, you can zip it up into a pk3 file, put it in the base directory, and it shoud be useable.


The 'red' and 'blue' versions of files are just the skins used for teamplay. However, the 'accessories' part of the skin looks the same for red and blue teams (i.e. no colors were changed), so the original file is used by both red and blue skins.

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Ahhhhhh well finally some sense is coming out of this!!! :)


Thanks alot for that bit of info Morth, that really helps.


But say i changed the Accessories?...... do i need to leave the default Acc alone, or can i just add a new one in the .skin file?


Thanks for that reply Morthvargr, i think i may actually be able to get some results now......YES!!! ;)

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Well thanks alot for your help Morthvargr,


Im on my way to being a skinning genious because of you lol


Im working on a skin at the moment, its going to be a Lando skin, but this will be EVIL LANDO!!


At the moment everything is cool, but i have had a few problems with the the collar and the neck....but that is just my problem..


You can expect to see my skin on http://www.jediknightii.net in the very near future, id put a pic on here of it for you but i dont know how......anyway it will be better seeing the final product. oh and......


Can you give some clear instructions on making the pk3 file, cause i made one.....i moved all my skin work out of the base folder so i could see if the pk3 works, and it didnt , so i guess i did something wrong.........do u know how to do the pk3's??



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