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3R Incorporated - Resource Rangers For Hire


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We at 3R Inc. are looking for players who would like to share in an effort towards starting a company which we see as having a great influence in the SWG economy. We are going to have fun and at the same time work towards a common goal.


What do we do?

Constantly in planning, our main goal is to fund to creation of a player city on Rori. To do this, our plan is to create small to medium sized expedition groups who will comb the galaxy and its planets searching for resource-rich plots of land. Once located, we will use guild funds to claim these plots. When available, plots will be sold to interested parties such as miners. Long term plans include founding our city on Rori, the most resource-rich plant in the system. This will ensure our constant form of income.


What positions are we recruiting for?

There will be a specialist surveyor in each team. Other main positions for expedition teams include rangers, explorers and commandos or other combat related profession for use as a security team. This does not rule out other professions we are looking for, like a combat medic.


If you are looking to being a part of something special, get in touch.

We are also interested in corresponding with miner PAs, groups who need our services, as well as player cities.


Our website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.asp?GuildID=2431&TabID=15289


Thank you for your attention!

Please leave all thoughts/comments/questions about 3R Inc. on this thread.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What a wonderfully origional idea!!! As with dek, i dont plan on joining a PA until i can get a good idea of the lay of the land. However, i would love to be able to visit your community if possible...........promise to leave my blaster at the door (all of em........ok......even the one in me boot).



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