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EGM gave JPB 4.0 out of 10


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It seems that Jedi Power Battle got another bad rating. Could it be that we're star wars fan which kept the game from being too boring? anyway here's my review.


I thought Jedi Power Battle was pretty decent. It had great music and sounds(I love that last level with Darth Maul. Get to hear that duel of the fates music!) and that two player cooperate is fun. Being able to block lasers shot and some other things are pretty fun to do too. The lightsaber combos may be hard to pull off but is very damaging if done correctly. The graphics are pretty decent. The background(also lasers and lightsabers) is done very nicely, but the character models seem to lack alittle. The control can be abit hard at first, but once you get used to it, it'll be all right. Also beating the game with all characters get you some special stuff which add some replayability. So what keeps Jedi Power Battle from being the best Star War game? First of all are the bugs, the dual shock apprently doesn't work(althought someone posted how to fix it), the game frezzes or lock up sometimes, and try setting the sound effects to full. Now go back, to it, apprently the game doesn't allow you to set the sound effect to full. Also there are some graphic glitches too. Sometime the AI also get stuck in the wall. The game is still pretty fun though...


7.5 out of 10

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Guest the13thJedi

As far as the review goes... Some like it some don't. The most likely to enjoy it would be SW fans... As for the fact of the matter, it's not the best game ever made...

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Guest 84Elan

The duel shock does not work hardly at all. i worte Lucasarts and they E-mailed me and told me that it is different than TPM it only works when you really get the Shi* knocked out of you which sucks. That is the final word on that. one of the really cool things from TPM and they dis it for JPB.



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