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THE SECOND CLASH (i should really find another name for this)

Guest obi-tom-kenobi

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Guest obi-tom-kenobi

ok ok it was a brainless matchup but what about master obi wan vs master qui gon?




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Guest the13thJedi

Qui-gon may be a jedi master, but Obi-wan was fast enough to whoop the tar outta Maul... its a tough choice, but I think Obi-Wan would edge out Qui-Gon




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Guest Venkman

Well this could mean anything. It really depends, are you talking about Young Obi-wan, because the way you use it, "Master Obi-Wan" would indicate Obi-wan from A New Hope (or I guess Episode 3, if he is a master in that...) Eitherway I think Obi-wan would have a better chance since Young Obi-wan is faster and Old Ben has probably faced many Sith challenges. All the challenges I only know are Maul and Anakin, but there probably is more. (there would have to be, unless he was that great at hiding during the purges).


Qui-Gon would also have a chance. Like what I say in Vader vs Maul, You may think Maul is faster, but I'm pretty sure Vader can be faster if he needs to be, same thing would go with Qui-Gon...

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Guest Solrya

Keep in mind, Qui-Gon is skilled, so he might be able to dodge attacks and find openings when against Obi-Wan. Therefore, I believe that They both have a 50/50 chance of winning...

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Well, depending on what you're read, it was said that Qui-Gon was of the greatest swordsmen in the Galaxy. He, of course, was aging, and the young and agile Maul was too much for him.


So, being that you mean "Young" Obi-Wan in E1, I think his youth and speed would over-power Qui-Gon.


However, if you mean the older Obi-Wan in E4, then I'd say there was a 50/50 chance of either of them succeeding. They'd both be highly-skilled, yet aging Jedi Masters.

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Yeah, i thionk that im going to have to go with Acid_Rain on this one.


I believe that if it were old Obi-wan and Qui-gon going at it, either of them would have a good chance of winning,


However, A young obi_wan vs. Qui-gon, im not too sure on. You may bring up ther point that obi-wan was quick enough to take down Maul, who killed Qui-gon, so you might automatically think that that makes obi-wan better than qui-gon. But, i think that the only reason that obi was able to take out maul is that he let out the rage of seeing the only father figure he had struck down before him without anything he could do about it. So, i you take that into consideration, i think that qui-gon could have easily beaten obi, for the simple reason that he was more experienced than his apprentice.

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Guest Jedi Kenobi

I think Qui-Gon would win old Obi-Wan, but young Obi-Wan's speed would be too much for him..


[This message has been edited by Jedi Kenobi (edited June 17, 2000).]

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Guest 84Elan

Qui Gon Vs Ep1 Obi Wan I would have to go with Qui Gon. Although Qui Gon is older he is still the more skilled swordsman. When you are young you tend to reley on speed and strenght. Yet one of the things about sword fighting is that although it is a fast pace deal you must keep control. Obi wan many times over extends himself agains Maul and pays for it with a Smack or kick to his body Maul would have nailed him had it not been for the problem of Qui Gon on his other side. Qui Gon also taught Obi Wan so I whould have to think that Qui Gon would be able to antisipate the young ones moves and know his weakness. With out having to learn them through moves over the course of a duel. There is no substitue for experiance. Qui Gon vs Ep1 Obi Wan Goes to Qui Gon.


Ben vs Qui Gon or a more mature obi wan would be more of a 50/50 deal. He whould have had time to perfect his moves and expand his knowledge of fighting beyond just his training, he would have experiance against real opponets and situations. He would have hopefully learned more control and be a sounder swordsmen.



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Guest obi_wan_kenobi

i dissagree with you 84elan because in ep 1 wasnt it obi wan whoo kicked the crap out of maul and qui gon who got the crap kicked out of him??? think about that

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Originally posted by obi_wan_kenobi:

i dissagree with you 84elan because in ep 1 wasnt it obi wan whoo kicked the crap out of maul and qui gon who got the crap kicked out of him??? think about that


True, Kenobi DID defeat Maul, but remember that at that time Maul was reduced to one saber blade. Qui-Gon held his own for quite awhile against Maul's double blades. Had Maul not lost his other blade in the duel, Kenobi would have lost.





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Guest 84Elan

In the movie Obi wan did defeat Maul and Qui Gon was beaten by Maul but Obi Wan did not Best Maul in a duel he bested him with the force.


He was knocked down buy Maul twice once in the energy room where he is knocked down to the lower platform and ends up being seperated from the fight and again force pushed into the reactor core hole and loosing his weapon. He was also kicked and did the jump loop which was cool but nun the less score a point for Maul.


Obi wan did press the attack and keep Maul on the move as well as damage his staff turning it into a blade yet Maul was still able to disarm and beat Obi Wan blade to blade. If Maul had not dicked around and "savored his superiority" over the jedi he might have indead done Kenobi in. Loosing respect for ones opponate is the first step to failuer even if you are better. The moment you let your gaurd down or underestimate someone you will be nailed.


Maul bested both jedi yet became careless once he beat the more experianced foe. Not following through and lossing his concentration on the task at hand enabled Obi Wan to suprise Maul and strike him down.


I still find it hard to beleive that one man with a staff could hold off two swordsmen at all I mean force or no I think Maul would have been killed as soon as the jedi split up and he could only see one at a time.


[This message has been edited by 84Elan (edited June 17, 2000).]

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Guest obi_wan_kenobi

did you forget that it was kenobi that chopped his lightsaber in half and it doesnt seem like qui gon could pull that does it? and kenobi did go up against maul with his double sided blade but like i said abouve he was smart enoigh to chop in in half so you really cant say that

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Guest DarthNemesis

Remember though that Maul knocked Obi-Wan's lightsaber away. If it weren't for Qui-Gon's lightsaber being there already, Obi-Wan wouldn't have anything to attack Maul with. Maul could have just killed Obi when he had the chance, he just didn't.

And, like 84Elan pointed out, Qui-Gon trained Obi so he would know his strengths and weaknesses and how to catch him off-guard. Qui-Gon would probably win.






[This message has been edited by DarthNemesis (edited June 17, 2000).]

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Guest Acid_Rain327

That's right; in the beginning of the battle, Obi-Wan did a fine job of handling both blades at the same time, and managing to keep Maul on his toes.

Of course, he took the shot at his staff as soon as it was open, but who wouldn't?


After all, Maul lead the two Jedi into the energy barrier-seperated corridor so he could take them down one at a time.


Divide and conquer.


So, I see no fault in removing Maul's advantage and placing him on an equal level as his opponent. Obi-Wan's intelligence in his action should not be used to count against him.

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Guest 84Elan

I would have to say that the short skirmish between Maul and Obi Wan was a brawl not a fight Obi Wan went into a rage and tapped into the Dark side giving him physical power or at least a burst of energy. This same scene can be seen in Return of the Jedi when Vader enrages Luke by saying that he will go after his sister; now we all know that Vader was the more powerful and skilled one yet Luke was able to literally beat the crap out of Vader in a fit of rage; ie the beating at Vaders open wrist till he cut off his hand this was not a thought out calculated engagement it was simply a tantrum or burst of Rage.


Same thing for Kenobi. Maul had been backing up the entire time with the two of them on him now he had backed into a corner. With kenobi coming in with the next cycle of the energy doors he needed to take care of Qui Gon and fast or else he would have no where to run and two jedi in his face. He finally made his move and nailed Qui Gon. With Obi Wan watching helplessly.


This sent Obi Wan into such a rage that he simply overpowered Maul at first backing him up then nailing his saber all in the same opening attack sheer speed and agility. Then Maul evaded, regrouped and dumped Obi Wan into the hole. Rage or not Maul could have killed him, the fact that he force push him into the hole and did not run him through kinda of makes me think that he did not think that much of him or he wanted to show him just how strong he was; you know toy with Obi Wan. Kinda like we all do with Maul now in the game, now that we know how to beat him with ease


In any case I do not see Ep1 Obi Wan as a better swordsman than Qui Gon.


[This message has been edited by 84Elan (edited June 17, 2000).]

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Guest obi_wan_kenobi
mad.gif you guys are so brainless obi is way faster and would know all qui gons moves too he has a huge advantage
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On the other hand, Obi_wan_kenobi, Qui-gon also knew all of Obi-wan's moves (probably better than obi-wan did, since qui-gon taught then to him.) Also, despite his age "disatvantge", he had alot more experience in dealing with combat situations.


I agree with 84Elan's notion on how obi-wan and luke tapped into the dark side in thier fits of rage. As i stated before, had obi-wan not done this (and had maul killed obi instead of gloating over his supposed "victory") maul would definatly had finished off obi-wan.




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