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Thanks for this game


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I have been and rpg gamer for ten years now. I used to hate first person shooters, bad.


My favorite game of all time is Baldur's Gate 2.


I finished this game yesterday, I tried it a bit at my friends house and found it dull at first, until I used the lightsabre. I must say that I have always been a big Star Wars fan, and to be able to do the things this game allows simply overwhelming.


I know that the story is rather simple, but who cares. I have never been so entrenched by the genius of tactical combat in this game. The practice I got with the sabre from getting shot down by a bunch of rodians, to killing two shadow troopers at the same time without getting hit once.


This game rocks. It is visually gorgeous, an adrenaline rush with no match for me. The tactical combat and implementation of the lightsabre is pure genius, it feels like a real sabre fight.


Thank you so much, to whoever designed this game, its great.

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