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Hey all of you that want to talk ONLY about JPB, click this topic!

Guest Adi_Gallia

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Guest Adi_Gallia

<font face="Calligraph421 BT"><font color="lightblue"> Do I have your attention now, the13thJedi?Good, because I am mainly writing this for you. I know this is a JPB forum. I know it's annoying when people go off topic. I also know you like to get upset when people don't stick to the main topic here


I don't want to make you mad. I don't want to start another post about someone that annoys me. I just want you to hear me out on this, and believe me.


Since everyone on this forum has the game or has played it or wants to buy it, we all have something in common:we like this game. And most of us love Star Wars in general. So since we are so much alike, we like to discuss some of the same things.


Now say you just want to talk about computers(this is an example, so don't take it literally!) and some people at a computer convention are discussing something about Microsoft, don't you want to listen?Doesn't Microsoft have something to do with computers?Say these guys know a LOT about computers, all the information you are looking for, and they also like to discuss Microsoft. Would you get pissed in that kind of situation?Because I can almost gurantee that anyone that likes computers uses Microsoft(except they have an Apple computer).


My point is, you wouldn't get upset in that situation, so why should you here?Star Wars and JPB go hand in hand, and we all like to talk about them. We don't want to leave our favorite forum for the Cantina. This is like our home, and if we all go to Cantina, I can almost assure you know one will be left here.


We may come back once and awhile, but I would doubt it. Everyone that likes to help on the game has also participated in some off-topicness.If you still don't understand me, please let me know and I will speak on an elementary level for you.





Jedi Master Adi Gallia


~A Jedi Knight?!I'm out of it for a little while and everyone grows up.~

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Guest the13thJedi

First off, I don't necessarily disagree with off-topic discussion. The part I do disagree with is when it turns into absolutely nothing about Star Wars or JPB.

Secondly, I take it quite personnally when you offer to explain it to me as if I were 5 or 6 years old. I am 20 years old and understand quite a bit about how the system works.

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Guest 84Elan

This is the exact type of Bull SHi* that I am talking about. I stand by the13thJedi. Yet I also relize that you can not talk only about he game of course you can talk about other things but when I come to the JPB board I would like to see some things that have to do with the game not how smart people think they are--not hey how many post till knight-- not how do i get my pic up as so forth and so on.


It has become a friging joke. Yes it is true many of us have beaten he game and talking about it is worthless till may 10th. But I suggest that you guys take your BS chat and do it all in another chat room. I mean people are asking questions that have already been answered but these new folks can not find them because they are buried under 10 miles of Stupid Efen Posts.



Remember...Your Focus Determins your Reality....

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Guest Adi_Gallia

<font face="Calligraph421 BT"><font color="lightblue">I know I know, but there isn't that much that doesn't have to do with something besides Star Wars.


Give me a post that doesn't have anything to do with it except for someone wanting help on their signature or something like that! They think it's cool that others can do neat things in this board, and they just want to be able to do it too!At least they can work on that until we have codes. And if you think this stuff is taking up space, it isn't. This board doesn't have a certain capicity!If you want something in particular, click search.


I agree that people are rude when someone asks them for help on something that has already been posted. I wouldn't want to sort through stuff on the game I haven't even reached either.





Jedi Master Adi Gallia


~A Jedi Knight?!I'm out of it for a little while and everyone grows up.~

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