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Twisted Vertex

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Quick question....Does modview take in account on the position of Tags........I compiled sephorith No errors and intact. I am having some pretty bad deformations in the back of the knee and wrists. I was curious if modview accounts for th postion of the tags. I tried fiddling with the weights.......got some luck, but not much.

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I'd have to take a look at the wire frame to know for sure, but for the hands, I'd weight the entire wrist up to the palm stiff with the radiusx, and then the palm with the hand bone. For the knees, that's a minor toughie, it depends on the geometry


Let me take a shot of how I have kit setup

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Yeah I have been playing with the weighting verts via brush. Its seems that the brush cannot make weights on 2 verts. For example if you make strokes on bone 1's mesh, then You goto to weight bone 2, If you mark the same area of the mesh, Bone one's weights disappear. Makes it kinda confusing casue the colors don't stay on, Like the weights aren't color coded.


Plus, If i made a mistake I have to remove the bone and re-add it to reset all the weights. Is there anyway to erase error using the brush?

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Twisted Vertex, I strongly encourage you to follow Madjai's advice and manually weight the vertices. Using envelopes and brushes gets very messy. I've found that it is much easier and precise to select the veritces (turn on vertices in the filter panel) you wish to weigh and type in their percentage value 0 - 1 in the Abs. Effect box. This will give you much more control. It's worked for me anyways.

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