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Unlimited Jumps

Guest Jedi Dire

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Guest Jedi Dire

you notice a few things when you got the unlimited jedi jumps Game Shark code on..


2nd level: you can jump behind the trees to reveal a small path. you can always exit the path, but never get back in (unless you jump over it again). usefull for avoiding destroyer droids...but pointless(much like this post) if you have the Game Shark. also, you can reach that ledge after you climb the trees. but there are many hidden pits, so can't have TOO much fun back there.


Also, in other levels, you can jump over major parts (like darth maul entrance scene)... but its really really pointless. but fun if you're bored like me.


of course if you're really bored, you'd complain about the "blocking limit" that is imposed. if these are jedi, cant they block more than three hits from darth maul? and i'm pretty sure these "jedi" can handle a few slashes of a lightsaber. ah well. i need sleep it IS 1:35 AM. " smile.gif

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Guest Jedi Kenobi

Well it's 2:35 AM here, so you're a stupid wuss. Just kidding. Anyway, it's a fun, but kinda annoying code.

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Guest Darth Wart

Check out the section of my guide, "Weird places to get to" for other nutty things you can do with that code.






Currently the revised strategy guide is being housed (ON ONE PAGE!) at

http://darthwart.tripod.com/page1.html, which will be the address until Kanigget gets back at the end of June.

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