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only simwiz...


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Originally posted by pbguy1211

The point was he didn't want to face me after saying he'd whoop me. He wanted to play in a 2 on 2 game. And I wasn't playing in it because the guy I would have been stuck with as a partner sucked major ass.


You are the very definition of a moron. Your comments are just so idiotic that I am very close to saying to hell with the whole thing, putting you on ignore, and letting you say whatever the hell you like. You left the 2v2 in a tantrum whining about something (you seem to do a lot of whining) and didn't seem to be interested in having a 1v1 right then. I am not going to sit around wasting my time on the computer to wait for you to rest your poor little tired eyes and then decide to have a 1v1. If you aren't ready when I get on the zone, then I will go into another game. If the other game takes an hour then we can't have our game just then.


And I only had 5 minutes left when you wanted to have the 1v1, which means that once 5 minutes have passed my sister could get the computer whenever she wanted. Sure enough, she came in exactly at 9:54 and told me to get off. We would have launched the game and then I would have had to leave. We can have the game Sunday, unless you make up some excuse.


Yes, the hour-rule is lame, especially when trying to have mp games, but it's necessary because otherwise my sister would just get up earlier than me and leave her away message on all day and say she was waiting for an IM or something. And my mom, who thinks my sister need to learn about computers, would agree with her and I would never get to use the computer.


Also note that the more you talk **** before the game, the worse it will be for you when I beat you.

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Now you've really pissed me off.


Seriously dude, you need to take a long hard look in the mirror.


Point blank, you aren't good. Sithmaster is good... you aren't.


Don't sit here and insult me and call me a moron for no reason other than to just call me a moron. Nice flame war you're trying to start. I'm a moron because you won't play me... How am I a moron? How am I being a moron? Please explain... I'd like to know.


I seem to be a moron because my eyes are tired from having 3 hours of sleep the night before and playing a game before I went into your room to try and get you to play me. And you dodged me. Who ever said anything about a 2 on 2 game? Not me. If you WANT to play a 2 on 2 game, let me know. I have more than a few Zone friends I'd be able to gather up who'd be more than happy to hand you your ass.


***If you KNOW you only have 1 hour's worth of time on your computer why in the hell did you start a 4 player game? Why? Please explain to me the reasoning behind that one. If you wanted to play a 4 player game, that means you DIDN'T want to play me in a 2 player game. So I'm a moron because you can't manage your time... fine. ***


Go ahead and put me on your ignore list. Dodge me again and forever. See if I care. I'm done wasting my time with you. I just can't see how I'm a moron and this is MY fault because you don't use your one little hour of computer time to your advantage.


So have fun trying to get your GED and working full time in McDonald's for the rest of your life. Moron.

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Pbguy, you showed no interest in a 1v1 when you came into the 2v2 room. I wasn't even aware you were on the zone until then, and messing up my game by quitting after launch isn't exactly the same thing as saying "let's have a 1v1".


And I actually spent my hour playing Tribes 2. When you came on the zone and I started the 2v2 I actually had no time left... not the best time to start a competetive game because if I had had to leave, guess what you would have said? "He forfieted, he couldn't play the game out, he was scared." It's almost like you want to avoid having to play the game by making it sound like I forfieted. Are you scared?


I was able to get enough extra time to finish the 2v2 and have about 10 minutes left, but if I had tried to get enough time for an evenly-matched 1v1 (1+hours) one of 2 things would have happened when I asked:


"No, I want to get on tonight. Do your game some other time."


"Fine, but I want 4 extra hours for the rest of the week."


She really wanted to get on, I would have either been unable to get the time or I would have had to give up massive amounts of time later. Like I said, lame, but necessary.


Unlike you I do not consider our game a priority. I will probably not give my sister massive amounts of time later to finish the game, and I definately won't do that to start it.


Now why did I call you a moron? In the past few days you have started 2 flame threads aimed at me. It shows your immaturity and that you are just a follower - I'll bet Sith told you to start these because he likes watching flame wars. Hopefully for you DMUK doesn't see these.


You are so desperate to win this that you cry that I backed down simply because I did not have time to play right then. That also makes you a very pathetic moron.

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Originally posted by simwiz2

Pbguy, you showed no interest in a 1v1 when you came into the 2v2 room.


The was the only reason i entered that room was because I thought you wanted to actually play me in a game. You know, you saying you could beat me easily and all kind of lead me to believe that.


I wasn't even aware you were on the zone until then, and messing up my game by quitting after launch isn't exactly the same thing as saying "let's have a 1v1".


You know what? When a host quick launches a game like that... expect people to quit. Stop fooling yourself.


And I actually spent my hour playing Tribes 2. When you came on the zone and I started the 2v2 I actually had no time left... not the best time to start a competetive game because if I had had to leave, guess what you would have said? "He forfieted, he couldn't play the game out, he was scared." It's almost like you want to avoid having to play the game by making it sound like I forfieted. Are you scared?

That makes no sense whatsoever.


Now why did I call you a moron? In the past few days you have started 2 flame threads aimed at me. It shows your immaturity and that you are just a follower - I'll bet Sith told you to start these because he likes watching flame wars. Hopefully for you DMUK doesn't see these.


If you can't take a simple little joke about looking forward to beating you in a game and take it as a "flame war" then that's your problem. Lighten up. You started the name calling. Not me. And you don't seem to realize that Sithmaster is your friend. You should treat him like it and not think he's stabbing you in the back. Some friend you are. I've never spoken to him off this board other than a random message on the zone about playing a game.



I'm officially through with you. Period. You are such a child it's not even funny. Have fun with that GED at Mickey D's.

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Now we're all staring to sound like school children on the playground. :D

[high pitched voice]I can beat you up[/high pitched voice


Simwiz, stop picking fights with everyone on the forums. Youre gonna get yourself banned. Now if we all were to just take a deep breath and forget that alll of this happened, then maybe this forum can return to some decency (DMUK, you could aid our memories by closing/deleting thse flame war threads).

Sithmaster is good

Im flattered:D

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I'll post some screens and maybe the saved game file later...

or maybe tomorrow. All my audio/video and picture crap is on my other computer. So it may take some time. Needless to say he had to leave partway through the game... but at that partway point...

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Here are the final battle stats, conveniently when simwiz2 had to go...


simwiz2: T3, I believe he had no T3 buildings...

workers: 11

medics: 2


mech d:1

light turrets:2

final score: 2782


joizey_THUG: (broken toe and all) T3, 2 T3 buildings...

workers: 54

strike mech: 1

light turret: 1

fighters: 5

pummels: 3

final score: 4201


i never claimed to be great... just better than simwiz... even at his own settings. ie: explored maps at normal speed. which are easier to find your opponents base at. which is what he tried to do to me. by finding my muja bushes and trying to build a foward base near me. oops. guess that didn't work.

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Yeah, you did a lot better than I expected. If it saved we can finish it soon, though I'm still not sure what happened, because the saving text stayed up for almost 5 minutes.


If it didn't save, we can have more games or something, but not until the weekend after this weekend, because US history has a lot of projects due next week that I procrastinated on and didn't start yet. Any future games should be on weekends because I get more time on the computer (hour instead of 45 minutes). I tried to get hours on weekdays but my sister complains that she would get on the computer too late after school.

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don't you love 12 year olds.... lmao.


Being an adult is great. No homework. No-one telling you how much time you can have on the computer. In fact, my wife plays with me. lol


We're on the zone almost every night after the kids go to bed.


zn (me): _KhaleeLahFB__ or +Softsnow

zn (wife): _Marashay_FB


looks us up and we'll play some RM with ya'll. ;P

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you aint kidding.

i work nights in the city, so i dont get home until late... but if i have nothing to do when i get home... i'm usually getting my ass handed to me in a zone game somewhere. usually by some clan that i manage to piss off by making fun of them... then they double team the crap out of me :D


i've seen a few of the FB's around... cant remember if they're any good or not. i dont think they were too bad though.


i tend to NOT play ts_erik, or ts_zoomzoom... TS_erik own's me. i know better than to play him again.

the RIL's, the Sith's and a few others. the MJB's and Jort's are very good too.

And i just don't play the drunks because... a: half of them have never even tasted alcohol before. and b: because for some reason they all have crap connections... ALL of them!!!

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