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WIP: Blade mod


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Hey guys, Quigon007 an I have teamed up to start a Blade mod for JKII called Blade: Knight of Dracul. The homepage is up at http://members.rogers.com/knightofdracul .


We want to take this mod seriously ass opposed to another ‘Hey! Make me a Sailor Moon mod!’ request. To that end we’ve created a Design Document as well as a Promotional Beta (based off of the Dragon Remix) to build interest in the community. The Beta is available for download at http://members.rogers.com/covax.ca/BladePromoBeta.zip , it was created to show what is possible given what’s available for download. The Design Document will only be available to those who will help out with the mod, mainly to keep some plot-surprises secret.


Our goal is to create a Single Player Total Conversion. Maps, Levels, Audio, etc. We know, however, that this may be a pipe dream, depending on the size and nature of the team. The ‘stages’ of the game development would be something like this:


- Promotional Beta (link above)

- Basic Conversion - A Conversion would be released by default, using existing materiel from the JKII community as a base. This would be a model/weapons replacement similar to Dragon Remix or A Jedi’s Worst Fear.

- Multiplayer Release - Basically an enhanced version of JediRemix (aka JediMod: Dragon Remix 2) as a Mutilplayer Upgrade.

- Total Conversion - Full TC mod provided a full development team.


And I promise you this... even if NO ONE else joins the Mod will still be released, all the work we would have put into other Projects will be made to fit the Blade-Theme.

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I called the mods that I created 'Remix' as opposed to, say, Total Conversion, because 90% of the stuff I put in was work done by other people. So, like remixing a song, I took other premade elements and 'mixed' them together so that they would work over the original game/levels. Dragon Remix also sounds cool.


Hopefully the Blade mod will have a bit more original materiel.


Dracul, in case you're wondering, was the 'Holy Order of the Dragon', bestowed upon valiant Lords who fought against the Turks... uhm... way back when. Dracula is a nickname that means 'Son of the Dragon'. It's just a little word play since I said my next Remix mod would have been called 'Knight of the Dragon'.

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You are very right about the Dracul and stuff. Vlade Tempes or Vlad the impaler was known as Vlad Dracula. He was believed to be the origin of all Dracula myths. He used to impale people in couryards and drink of their blood. If you guys wanna know some interesting stories just tell me and I have a cool one about a couple turks and some spikes.

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Kind of Ironic you would say that, because like my great great grandparent was from the principality of Wallachia. You know the stories about that place right? Hahahah oh well my other side was from ireland and the original Mc Sweeney was High King. Just a little history lesson.

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:cool: Heh... my other half is Brazilian. Mom's born and raised in Macumba Voodoo... so let's just say the shadows don't really scare me.


As for your Elementals ideas it's something worth considering. I like playing with mythology and giving it a modern twist. It could be like Captain Planet only... Psyco.

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The demo is pretty damn fun. I'm a big fan of both Blade (espeically part 2) and Jedi Outcast. I look forward to seeing how you guys progress. I'd love to help, but I really don't have any skills in computer modeling.


Anyway, should be fun. Don't put *too* much effort into a hokey story, though. Stick to making the action and look kick-ass. And if I were you, I'd focus on bringing out the bad guys from the movies instead od creating new sub-par enemies yourself.


- DT




PS - Not to imply that you guys don't have interesting ideas for new good guys and bad guys on your site. And as long as you stay fairly true to the vision of the firsdt two films, they should fit well with the Blade mythos. But I think some would also like a chance to fight Reinhart, Decon Frost, and perhaps a Reaper Varient in this. :)


Again, best of luck.

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:cool: It depends, I've got a kick ass story in my head, (I'm a writer first) very Anime-ish but continues on the Blade 2 story, as well as drawing on a few themes from Buffy. I have NO idea if it can be made as I see it in my head though, we'll see.


Here's a hint: Have you noticed in Blade 2 that we never actually see Iceman (Donnie Yen) die?

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That's cool. And, going by Del Toro's commentary, there was a big Anime influence on Blade 2 as it is so if that's a primary influence for you, along with th Blade films, then things are certainly headed in a good direction.


Iceman--yes, that's right. We never do actually see him die... but did he live as a normal vampire or as a reaper? Hmmmm...


I just finished playing around with the Blade2 JK2 demo--fun stuff. If only the offical people had gotten Raven to do the video game instead of the jokers they DID hire. :(


- DT


"Some mother****ers are always trying to iceskate uphill..."

- Blade

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I'll definately let the Elementals thing take a back seat, I wanna see this mod get done too bad.


But I was thinking about what you said about the sun light and how it should hurt them and stuff, but I have a better idea. As you remember, if they used alot of sun screen they could go out in the sun for a short period of time. Why don't you make something in the story where they developed some chemical that alowed them in normal sunlight but they couldn't stand intense UVA/UVB rays. Then you could bring in that flashlight that blade uses, that thing is tight. And until this very second I forgot it was in the blade movies hahahah I was thinking about the blade from the Spiderman Cartoon.


Use it or don't, it doesn't really matter I just think it would be tight. Or maybe blade could just carry around a giant sun tanning bed hahahahah.



P.S. If you are already working on the bolt system then I won't do anything, I just thought you thought the shuriken darts were good enough hahaha but you got it under control.

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About the sunlight thing, the Vamp Ninjas are covered head to toe in armour, so they cane move around in the day. I'm using another or Hatrus' guns as a 'UV-Ray-gun' so to speek:




We'll see what we can do about flashlights and/or laser sites. I don't have any coders yet. I'm hoping to get the silver spikes (both to shoot and as a last-resort mele weapon) and bullets modeled eventualy.

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Well you happened to pick the thing that I am worst at. All I've done so far is take the flechette shotgun and put it on the crossbow. But for some reason, the bowcaster makes my computer lag like super bad now, I don't get it. Do you know what the deal is? One other question, do you know where the info is on the disentagration, if you told me that I could easily make it happen with every weapon.

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*First, I thought I'd mention that your Blade mod demo is funner when one takes it and adds some of the stuff from the Dragon Remix--especially the blood-colored smoke. It doesn't look right in the Blade demo, so I added to bit that changes it from the dragon remix. I also used the reborn skins fro mth Dragon remix as these look a LOT better and are capped correctly. And since the giant ponytail guy kinda sucked, I replaed him with a Palpitine model so at least he can be a ginat, anceint vampire as I screw around with this thign. :)


But either way, your work still gives new life to the game.


A thought: Have you ever looked to the art of Gerald Brom for influences? Great character and costume ideas there.











The Cathedral Duel level is kind of fun to run Blade stuff on. I also made sure I had the tracks from Balde 2 in my game to run.


Oh, and Iceman seems to die in Blade 2. I watched it again and Lighthammer, after his reaper transformation, is clearly feeding on Iceman as the red headed chick walks up. He's rather lifeless as Lighthammer closes his jawsand gets up.


So, if Iceman lived, he had to have lived as a reaper?


- DT

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:cool: Thanks, I wanted to add music, namely the Hybrid Remix of Name of the Game, but I had to keep the file size down.


Thanks for the links, just two days ago there was a massive Brom flood at alt.binaries.pictures.fantasy-scifi ironically enough.


As for Iceman well... we see him drained but not neccicarily dead, take the bloodbank security guard for example. If I don't see the... dust... it dosen't count. I'm not any big Donnie Yen fan but I was looking forward to a Yen/Snipes fight. Hopefully my version of Iceman's 'fate' will be shown in the Blade-mod. Either way he'll be a MP skin.

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It's still a good track, don't get me wrong.


I'm rather fond of:


The Mos Deff track, I think it's called "I againstI"

Struck by Lightning from blade 1

The main blade theme that plays during the intro on Blade 2


And, of course, on the DVD commentary, Snipes said he thought Damiskino should have been listening to James Brown in his scenes. :)


- RL

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:cool: They're Lord Hatrus' guns. Originally that were hosted at JK2Files but a coupple months ago they lost all thier models. You can also find a few at JediCenter.


For whatever reason Hatrus won't re-upload them to other sites.

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