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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821


(1) If you call playing the civs/minor gods that were the hottest, then (2) holing up behind your walls until late mythic and coming out finally with catapults and preists galore actually playing the game. (3) And you told me that you stopped playing th game because it was boring. (4) In reality, it just was boring because you were thoroughly clueless, plaing the game like a chicken with its head cut off runs around a barn (:) i like that analogy). (5) If you argue that no you actually knew exactly what you were doing, i be forced to remind you that you said that MUs suck because the can be beaten by preists and that (6) ballistas suck because 10 catapult kill them in one hit and that (7) gps suck because they dont do much when you randomly click them on the map and that (8) Isis is the best civ because she is the only female one:D


1 - I never picked a civ based on who was the hottest. After playing the game awhile I joked the picture of Aphrodite was kinda hot, and you agreed, so I really don't see the problem. After all the picture was so ovbiously designed to look hot, anyone who looks at it once you will know what I mean.


2 - Wait, was that the game where your pentium 1 made it lag like hell and when the dust cleared your army was dead and mine was still standing? Do "priests and cats" include units such as spearmen, axemen, chariots, camels, and slingers? And it was not under either of our towers, so either I had a good army and it beat you or you truly suck and got beaten by an army of preists and cats. So either you are a liar or a pathetic n00b. You pick one. :)


3 - I didn't tell you anything even close to that. I said I stopped playing because I had been playing T2 instead. The fact that every single AoM game would get lag from hell at the end, become completely unplayable, and therefore boring, didn't help increase the "fun factor" much. It seemed there was not a single person besides me on ESO with a decent computer to play the game on.


4 - Yep, I was so clueless I beat you in our 1v1. Why do you insist on claiming that someone who can beat you sucks? I can beat you in GB 1v1, so you decide to say that I turtle, I can beat you in AoM 1v1, so you say I am clueless. You are pathetically overcompetetive and do not have the ability to lose gracefully. Sure, when you win you say "GG", but when you lose, it's always "Will it's all your fault your DSL lagged" or "Boo hoo I couldn't move my units because of the lag that's why you won." Btw both of those contradict each other, if YOU were the only one who couldn't move your units then it must be YOUR fault the game is lagging. So buy a computer and shut up. :p


5 - I said, a few days into the game, that I found MU's easy to counter. That was probably because the people using them against me had no clue what they were doing and would send one or two against my army which was backed up by 8-10 priests. So the fact that I was beating them easily gave me that opinion. As the alpha was out longer and people learned how to use them, naturally they were not as easy to counter.


6 - :lol: Where the hell did you get this warped quote from? I said "Ballistas are not as good as catapults because catapults have higher attack, illustrated clearly by the fact that 3 cats can kill a ballista in one hit yet it takes many ballista hits to kill one cat." And since it is a well-known fact that cats are the most powerful long-range siege in the game, you are, once again, proven wrong. Just like Windu and his forlorn Gunship idea.


7 - Actually I think that the whole concept of GP's is stupid. Then again, I also think the whole concept of mythology in general is stupid, but despite all that the game seems like it is going to be good gameplay-wise, and I am not closed-minded enough to hate a game because of a mythology concept. Gameplay > everything else.


8 - Actually, despite the fact that it is none of your business, the reason I tried Isis first was because I saw some interesting-looking GP's and MU's. I tried them and liked them better than those from the other civs that I had tried (though I still think the concept is stupid) so Isis became my earliest favorite civ.



I am still confused as to what you are trying to accomplish with all this slander. Unlike talking where you may just say something for the hell of it, posts take time to type and I assume are well thought-through for most people. So here are my three theories:


1) You have way too much free time and you use post-writing to pass the boring hours


2) You are trying to make yourself look good by making me seem bad


3) You are obnoxious and want to irritate me


If it is 1, then you really should see a psychologist or something. If it is 2, then it makes sense, but you should be aware that it is largely ineffective on an online forum. All it accomplishes is makes you look like a 2 year old. If it is 3, then congratulations, it worked! You have annoyed me. You have gotten me to waste countless hours typing replies to absolute stupidities! Are you happy now?

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Now, now, boys, lets keep the flame-wars down to a minimum please?


Sith, thanks for the screenshots of AoM - it looks great, i also checked out the Tech-Tree and it looks as if it will be at least as good Gameplay as AoE - What is your opinion on Gameplay in AoM?


I love the Mythology theme and i will certainly be getting a copy as soon as it comes out - i believe it is being released on the 31 October???

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Simwiz the correct answer would be 3) Im obnoxious and want to irritate you:D

Sith was supposed to get the "sneak preview" game but he may have typed in the wrong address, because he still doesn't have it.

Im an idiot, what would you expect?


Madrix, the gameplay is quite good. The starting towers help scout your surrounding area, and, if upgraded to watch towers, stop very early scouts. But they fall easily to more than 5 infantry (i know ive been both on the giving and recieving end of rushes), so they dont prevent a rush. The game tends to be more intense, and less rush through the ages. Despite the god powers and myht units and new units, the only age you should rush to is classical (which is 100 food cheaper than in SWGB). Classical seems more like t3 in SWGB because most of the unit lines are available and all come from cheap to build buildings (all herioc only units come from the fortress equivalents). The maps are more random than AoK, and tend to have more resourses cloer to home. The costly but infinite farms and fattening herd animals emphisize hunting early and then moving on to other food sources. If you like Mythology, then your in seventh heaven.The myth units and god powers are quite balanced, and very fun to use. Here are my persoanl favs, going by age:



Myth units:

1. Anubite-they kill early armies, are the cheapest unit in the game, and their speed and special makes them excellent raiders.

2. Minators-Their special even though it isnt instant kill like a cyclops, it still strong, and they fair much better vs units/heroes

3. Eihanjar(i never can spell the name right)-Think of a teutonic knight in classical, plus the ability to add 50% to surrounding unit's attack momentarily with a blown on its horn.

God Powers:

1. Healing Spring-I think that simwiz will agree that there is nothing more annoying than a person with a healing srping in the middle of their town/foward base. And there is nothing more rewarding than taking it from them (i captured a healing spring from the enemy with my pharoh alone:D)

2. Plague of Serpents-Instant army that lasts forever, altough cant be controlled. Very helpful and decides battles.

3. Undermine-Turtle crusher and takes out forward/defending towers quite nicely plus it severly damages tcs



Myth Units:

1. Battle Boar-These babies disperse armies, destroy buildings, and absorb damage like a b@*%# (and, in the alpha they ruined your enemies graphics:mad: )

2. Mountain Giant-Walking fortress thats walks all over your fortress

3. Petchotos-Long rnage and high attack, these crocs are snipers in disguise

God Powers:

1. Bronze-The armor rating that this god power gives is unbelievable. Human units become practically invincable

2. Anscestors-Like plague of serpents, but you get control of these mummies, who are quite powerful, but only for a short time

3. Underworld Transport-One of the most versatile god powers, instant movment=instant fun



Myth Units:

1. Colluess-Unbelievable armor, kills a house in two hits, eats trees to regain health, and high hp. Need i say more?

2. Mummy-Better than medusa because you get a free unit with your extra kill

3. Pheniox-Hits from the sky. If your enemy has no archers, you can spell his fate with your flames

God Powers:

1. Fimbulwinter-The ultimate econ/town crusher. Wolves are very strong and it reveals entrie enemy town. And, as added pluses, you dont need LOS and all ranged buildings cant fire. Now you can waltz right under the turtles nose.

2. Nidhogg-See pheniox but add like 1200 hp and 20 attack. Too bad you only get one, so aviod ranged heros.

3. Tornado-amaging to both units and buildings. Toto, I dont think were in Kansas any more.

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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

(and, in the alpha they ruined your enemies graphics:mad: )



They never ruined my graphics :)


I guess it shows the superiority of a GeForce 4 over a GeForce 2, and a Pentium 4 over a Pentium 1. :p


Undermine-Turtle crusher and takes out forward/defending towers quite nicely plus it severly damages tcs


How many times do I have to tell you you did all of 200 damage to the TC with thousands of HP, Undermine is not good against TC's!


Your "strategy" for crushing his econ by eliminating his TC with a single GP did not work. I wonder why. Balance maybe?

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Madrix, gameplay is a pretty broad topic. If you specify your question, i can give you a much more specified answer. I just said what i thought you were looking for. The game does come out on the 31st. Halloween will be fun this year!!!


Side note:

In Heroic Myth Units, the hydra and scarab are also quite good and in Mythic God Powers, so are the Meteor, Son of Osiris, and Lightning Storm. Just couldnt fit them all:D

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I know i have three posts in a row, but i just want to give links to some cool new screenshots, made by fans with the beta:




And i want ot tell you if you see The Two Towers, Red Dragon, or Die Another Day in a Loews theater, you will also see this cool trailer:


Hit right click to save to see the movie.

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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

1. Healing Spring-I think that simwiz will agree that there is nothing more annoying than a person with a healing srping in the middle of their town/foward base. And there is nothing more rewarding than taking it from them (i captured a healing spring from the enemy with my pharoh alone:D)


I remember that game when we played against someone who didn't realize it could be captured, and plopped it down where there was no defense at all. Then his ally forgot to use team chat and said "you know they can capture that right?"


Then the ally kamikazeed his army into my army and fortress in a desperate attempt to kill the pertrobolis that was removing his town. Ignoring the arrows and spears from my army he focused his fire on the pertrobolis, lost about 40 units, and when he had it down to 1 hp and still had 5+ units firing on it he cast his only bolt GP on it, not realizing he only needed one more arrow to kill it! :lol: (the would-be-fatal arrow was in the air and halfway to the target :)) While he was concentrating all his force on one pertrobolis Sith's portable rams+army took out the town.


That sure was a fun game.


...Only 12 more days till I get AoM! :)

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What game was this? (i apologise, my memory is failing me). I was refering to a majority of our games where Norse players would plop healing springs in the middle of their town/forward base and fluctuate units through them. And how about that time i killed that Norse army that placed a healing spring in my town with my pharoh alone (my army was routed enroute to save simwiz), and then proceed to kill an amry of slingers and anscetors with only that same pharoh and an Anubite (plus a few spears).

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