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When is roguesquadron.net forums being updated?

Guest Rogue15

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Because he's been banned everywhere else :D


j/k, couldn't resist ;)


Well, lets see....

Jediknight.net and Jediknightii.net twice. And he only goes to those, here, and RS.net. So he really has been banned from half of the forums he's visited. :D


Anyways, i think he's asking ZeroXcape, he was the one who said they'd get an update, and Zero use to be around here.

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you're still a member there tie guy, you haven't lost your insanity yet. 'cause if you did, you'd be dead. shortly before you joined, we created a viral that kills someone when their insanity level decreases past 5%. you're just barely hanging on. We all miss you, btw.

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Guest ChrisC3po

The RS.net forums will be updated when all the rest of our forums are upgraded. When will this happen you ask? To be honest, I'm not really sure. We are hoping to move to a new server in about 2 - 3 weeks, after that upgrading the forums will be one of the top concerns (the graphics are already in the works).

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cool! but please don't change the 'look' of the forums, you know, the color and all...'cause that's why i haven't been posting as much on jediknight.net, it doesn't look as friendly..could be just 'cause there's a ton of forums there tho, i beg u not to change the colors of the rs.net forums. :D i'll go report this news to my comrades immediately. :bdroid1:

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Guest Rogue15

oh, now i remember. hehe. jediknight.net is asking for an invasion, practically, saying not alot of people post there. hehehe.

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