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does anyone know how to make a "lava fall" !??!


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yeah, I've made a few for the map I'm close to releasing. It doesn't actually flow off of the brush though. There is a lava entity effect that kinda works like that, but it's memory intensive if you use it too much and you need to use quite a few of them to get it to look like a "lava Fall".


Other than that, there is a lava shader already built in to JK2 that's easy enough to find. It's either in system or possible in artus. Can't remember since I'm using a custom shader. Just apply it to the face of a brush and make the brush tall, and make sure the direction of the shader's movement is flowing down. Check out the link in my sig to see some pics of what it looks like. I hope this helps.




let me enlighten you...this is the way I pray..


stand of the brink of my own demise...


Disturbed - Believe 2002

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