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Tag Orientation Question


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I got a problem with tag orientation on my weapon models. It seems that no matter which way I turn the tags my saber blade emits at a 90º angle to the hilt, until I throw it then in my hands it's proper but when in the air it sticks strait up. Also the modified blaster that I made is held at a 90º angle to the hand, but fires forward. I imagine this issue has come up before, but I have not been able to find a relevant post and the search is disabled. Can anyone point me in the right direction?




EDIT: I do have both tags in each, parent & flash for saber, weapon & flash for blaster.

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the problem with the saber tag is its not properly made. a tag must be a certain size; one side must be half the size of the other. this will give you a triangle, the longest side (not the hypoteneuse) must be pointing straight up.

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