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My Theory As To Anakin's downfall....

Guest Acid_Rain327

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Guest Acid_Rain327

A few seemed interested in seeing my POV as to how Anakin converts to the Dark Side, so I figured, what the heck - I'll make a new thread and see what you all think too, so....


Here's my theory:


First of all, keep in mind that I believe Yoda's line "Fear leads to the path of the Dark Side! Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering..." will be a crutial outline of Anakin's downfall.


First, before his actual downfall, I think Anakin's becoming a hero in the Clone Wars will generate foreshadowing arrogance and pride. Being told all the time that he is the "Chosen One" will create a sense of cocky-ness in Anakin's demeanor. Being so cocky, Anakin will become less interested in the ways of the Light Side - he will feel he is too advanced or what-not, and Obi-Wan's teachings will seem boring or far too slow for Anakin's taste.


I believe that Shmi will be a very important aspect of Anakin's turning. I believe that she will perish, or be murdered in some way. This will realize Anakin's fears.

I think that Shmi will be murdered by connection to Palpatine, perhaps through means of the new Sith Apprentice, or the rumored Sith Assassin. However, I believe that blame for Shmi's death will be placed on Obi-Wan in some way. Perhaps Anakin will be longing to return to Tatooine, but Obi-Wan postpones their return for one reason or another, and when they do return, Anakin witnesses Shmi's death.

Anakin, struggling with his emotions, will place blame on Obi-Wan to ease his pain - saying that if Obi-Wan hadn't procrastinated their return to Tatooine, then he and Shmi would be together. This will be the beginning of the slow deterioration of Anakin's relationship with Obi-Wan, and Anakin's fears being realized will generate deep anger within him - both towards Obi-Wan, and to Shmi's assailant. On a side note, I think Shmi's murderer will evade Anakin and Obi-Wan after killing Shmi, leaving Anakin wanting answers, and to persue him/her for revenge. Obi-Wan will try and reason with him, but to no avail, due to Anakin's disillusionment with his Master's wisdom.


Next, Palpatine's connection with Anakin will grow, and he will become an influence on Anakin, but he will not reveal his Sith identity to him yet. Instead, he will secretly send out his Apprentice/Assassin, whom Anakin is oblivious to the connection he/she has with Palpatine, several times to add fuel to Anakin's all-ready fierce feelings towards the Apprentice/Assassin. This will send Anakin's emotions into overload, and strong hatred will be the result. Anakin will slowly lose himself in his need to revenge his mother's death.


As everyone knows, Anakin and Amidala will be wed at the end of Episode II and in Episode III, Amidala will become pregnant with Anakin's twins - but will never have the opportunity to tell him. I think Amidala will inadvertedly turn out to be another factor in Anakin's demise. I believe that, while Anakin is slowly progressing towards the Dark Side, and his emotions take control of his actions, Amidala will begin to find comfort in Obi-Wan.

In one of the later drafts of the Episode I script, Amidala/Padme had a surfacing crush on Obi-Wan. Though this was taken out of the final draft, I believe Lucas has intentions with what he had started. I believe that as Anakin is losing himself, Amidala and Obi-Wan will grow closer, and Amidala will fall for Obi-Wan. This will be the final occurence which shatters the relationship between Anakin and Obi-Wan. Anakin's hatred for both the elusive Murderer, as well as his hostile feelings towards Obi-Wan will result in the suffering of those he holds most dear.


Anakin's friends will distance themselves from him, and he will be left with a feeling of emptiness - he will fill that emptiness by resuming his quest for revenge.


Palpatine will continue to draw Anakin in, by the power of suggestion. He will speak of Anakin's quest for revenge, and will slowly introduce Anakin to the concepts of the Dark Side, very casually. Eventually, Anakin's need to face Shmi's assailant will completely consume him, and he will find himself wanting to learn more of what Palpatine speaks of. Eventually, Palpatine will reveal that he can teach Anakin the skills he will need to destroy Shmi's murderer, as well as increase in power (remember what I said about Obi-Wan's teachings being too slow and irritating for Anakin) at a rate very much faster than the teachings of the Light Side. This is what Anakin wanted to hear.


Anakin secretly studies under Palpatine, and eventually faces off against Shmi's murderer - with both Obi-Wan and Amidala baring witness - in a battle carefully, secretly set up by Palpatine. Anakin allows the Dark Side to consume him completely, and he strikes down his foe, once and for all. Now consumed by a need for the power he felt upon crossing over, Anakin becomes Palpatine's pupil permanently. Upon seeing the horror of Anakin's final cross-over, Amidala, secretly around 3-4 months pregnant with Anakin's twins, and Obi-Wan will flee.


Palpatine and Anakin then begin the Great Purge - destroying countless Jedi.


Yoda, knowing Amidala is carrying Anakin's twins, and foreseeing that one of the twins will be Anakin's undoing, seeks refuge with Amidala and Obi-Wan on the distant planet, Degobah. Here, they stay safe while Anakin and Palpatine slaughter the Jedi. Simultaniously, Amidala progresses through pregnancy and soon has the twins. However, it is a rough pregnancy, and Amidala is not recovering well.

Knowing it would be best to seperate the twins to hide them from Anakin and Palpatine, Obi-Wan takes Luke to Tatooine, to live with Owen and Beru Lars, and Amidala and perhaps one or more of her trusted followers travel to Alderaan with Leia, hence only Leia has memories of their mother. Yoda remains on Degoabah, aware of his role in the future of the galaxy. During the tripto Alderaan, Amidala passes away as a result of the delivery of the twins, and Leia arrives and is taken in by the Alderaanian royal family.


Meanwhile, Obi-Wan delivers Luke to the Lars couple, and is poised to depart, when Palpatine and Anakin arrive in the system, having tracked Obi, along the same means as Maul had tracked Qui-Gon and party. Anakin still is unknowing about the existance of his children.


Anakin is detatched to the surface and the climatic battle ensues, on the surface of Tatooine. Ultimately, Obi-Wan knocks Anakin's saber from his hand and forces him into a molten pit in desperation. This shatters his former Padawan's body, and Anakin Skywalker ceases to exist. All that is left is the lightsaber Anakin had lost in the battle.


Obi-Wan takes the saber and mourns the loss of his friend. He later decides to remain on Tatooine to atone, and to watch over Luke, awaiting the time in which the Force will lead the boy onto the path of his destiny.


Palpatine soon recovers Anakin, and rebuilds his body - Anakin is now entirely dependant of Palpatine for the time being.


Twenty years later, Episode IV: A New Hope begins...


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Guest BigBud

Thanks for posting that, and I just checked my mail...I got your message, sorry I did not check it erlyer. frown.gif


Finally, a good post. smile.gif


I have not read it all yet so see Ya. biggrin.gif

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Guest Jediguy

If I remember correctly, when Luke reveals himself to Leia as her brother, doesn't he sate that the force is powerfull with his family, my father has it, my MOTHER has it, I have...etc


I the point I am trying to make here is. Will is be discoverd that the Queen has the ablitly to control the force? Or are we going to assume it was a wrting thing kind of like Bail Antillies.

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Um, no.


The line was said to Leia:

"The Force is strong in my family...I have it, my father has it...my...sister has it..." Then he reveals to Leia that they are siblings. Never is it mentioned that the Force was strong with their mother, my friend. =]

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Guest Darth Calypso

hey acidrain, very cool depiction of episode 2, hte forse must be incredably strong with you, i agree with you in many aspects as to what will happen in ep.2, stay cool, acidrain





"you're no good to me dead"


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Guest jedihorn1

Rick Berman has stated that Anakin's pride is what turned him to the Dark Side.




There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, only knowledge. There is no passion, there is serinity. There is no death, there is the Force. (GOD)-Jedi Code

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

Yeah that is what acid said but thanks for saying it again.





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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I believe that Shmi will be a very important aspect of Anakin's turning. I believe that she will perish, or be murdered in some way. This will realize Anakin's fears.


I think you're right. I think this might begin his downfall. Good post!


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