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In need of a quick (and probably easy) answer


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I'm a beginner at map building and I noticed that the compiled version of a map is a ".bsp". So I went to the "Open" dialog box and tried opening a map and realized that none of the availible extensions are ".bsp". Does this mean you can't edit any of the maps that came with JKII (i.e. any compiled map)? And if I'm just overlooking something and you CAN edit compiled maps (or somehow get the uncompiled versions of the maps that came with the game) please tell me how to do so :D



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I think there are only a couple of .maps (kejim_post is one of them) that came with the game. You cannot change .bsp's in the editor or otherwise. In less of course you have the .map that made the bsp and you recompile the map to show the changes to the .bsp.



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