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modeling troubles


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Well I am new to modeling I have milkshape3d but after I export my model to a md3 I am unable to turn it into a glm with the md3 view every time I try it gives a error message of"Failed on CreateContext (HDC hdc)" I have no idea what this means or how to fix? I have the md3view in the tools file in the game data folder and I had my md3 in the base/models/weapons2/saber folder and I have tried it in every folder in betwean? I was also told that the md3 view only works for sabers not player models!? if this is true how can I turn a md3 player model into a glm or in my case any md3 into a glm? is there a different way?do I need a different modeling program and if so witch one?PLEASE HELP!?:confused::(


P.S. if you have a way of helping me please fill free to email me at holly8wood@hotmail.com ,thank you .

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