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4 Noobs (and not so noobs)


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This isn't another flame on you noobs out there, no. In fact, this could be one of the most informative things you could ever stumble across in your early modeling life. This is a link to the first tutorials I have ever used for Modeling/Skinning. They were invaluable to me when I first started, not to mention there’s no reading involved. That’s right, NO READING (except for the paths to download the files). That’s not to say you shouldn't read, but as videos this will allow you to get started right away and pause where ever you need to.


Even with these tutorials it does help to know a little about basic geometry (x/y/z axis’s, and terms used i.e. vertices, face, etc.), but it is not necessary.




I suggest downloading these along with MilkShape3D to get a good foundation in modeling. Now, I have read that this program is confusing to some, well now it’s a breeze to learn with these awesome tutorials.


Hopefully someone can find space in a personal server to host these files as I don’t really know how long the will be around. Also, it might be a good idea to make this sticky. It will help ease the frustration of not knowing where to start.


Link for MilkShape3D:


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