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Maxing out Level 9

Guest ihatecrosswinds

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Guest ihatecrosswinds

Try as I might, I simply cannot get the 14,000 points required to max out level 9. I usually finish the level with about 12,000 points. Also, I do always get the 1,000 point bonus at the beginning of the level. Is there a 2500 point bonus in the level anywhere? Can anybody give me some tips on how to squeeze those extra points out of the level so I can max out my characters?




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Guest ChosenOne

I'll do my best to describe where the points and free life are. After the terrace with the white droid (about halfway through the level) which is followed by a red droid attacking you on the stairs and another waiting on the next level (usually there is a STAP or two coming at you here)work you way up and to the left. This will depend upon you having gone through the first part of the level pretty fast. Work your way up on ledge after ledge to the left. If you encounter two rifle droids you're going the right way. You'll find a terrace with a red and white droid and a free credit and point bonus. With these you should be able to max out the level, provided you killed almost all of the droids you encountered.

Hope this wasn't confusing and hope it helps. For more info check out Wart's guide here. http://jedipowerbattlesguide.homestead.com/JPB.html

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Guest ShadeShifter

When you reach the first brick section, head south to the bottom of the screen. You'll go to a new area with an extra life. Try to kill the staps at the begining, but manage your time wisely. At the end, some people go for the easiest pilot rooms first, but I go for the hardest, because they offer more points. Take out the Destroyer droids first, then the Grappling droids, then the Flame Droids, then the Security droids, and finally the Missle droids.





Come to the TimeSlide.


Thanks to Jedi Kanigget for the pic.

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Guest ihatecrosswinds

I haven't been taking out the STAP's, but I do get the extra credit every time I play. Are the STAP's worth a lot of points? I'll be sure to take them out next time I play. Perhaps I rush through the level too quickly, and miss out on critical points. Thanks for your help, by the way.

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