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WIP: Weapons for LOTR TC


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Hey everyone. this isn't really a WIP yet, cause i've only started on one of the 18 weapons. Yes thats right, 18 different weapons, a very great undertaking for one person.


the models that i'm going to make are:

Sting (Sword of Frodo Baggins) - currently at 5%

Glamdring (Sword of Gandalf The Grey)

Sword of the Witchking


Shards of Narsil (Broken Narsil)

Sword of the Ringwraiths

Hadhafang (Sword of Arwen)

Aragorn's Ranger Sword

Uruk-Hai Scimitar

Legolas's Bow & arrows

Saruon's Staff

Gandalf The Grey's Staff

Gandalf The White's Staff

Saruman's Staff

Standard Rohan/Gondor Sword

Standard Orc Sword

Standard Hobbit Sword

Standard Bow & Arrow


but i really need help trying to find some reference pics of some of them so that i can begin modeling. I've spent a large amount of time searcing for all the pictures i could find of them, but havn't been able to get pictures for all 18. i need refecence pictures of all the ones from Hadhafang down.



I'm currently working on sting, but i'm unable to post any pictures because my website server is having some trouble right now.

Sting is going to be the best, and probably most detailed one because i have an exact replica of the sword.


Also, if any modelers would like to help modeling the weapons (which would be appreciated a lot) you can e-mail me at jedi2oo1@yahoo.com or if you would like to help in the mod, you can go to our current site: http://motfclan.i8.com/Main.htm.


thanks again, and i should have pictures of the hand grip of Sting any day now.

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There are already two of those out and two more coming. Madjai made Saruman and Gandalf the G.'s staffs a few weeks ago and you can get them at jk2files.com and some one (sorry cannot remember who) has WIPs' on Saurons "Mace" weapon and Aragorns sword (I think it was the ranger one not one given as a gift.) So you don't have to make all those weapons.

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well, the 2 staffs i already knew about, though the others i didn't. I didn't really like those staff models that much, though they were good. Though one of the things that were trying to do is be able to have the player hold a staff in one hand, and the sword in the other, so thats why i'm making those again.


and if you can remember anything about the others i'd really apprecieate it.

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yeah, were only going to do it for MP, though were trying to make it so that the staff is in the left hand, and the sword is in the right. So then, if you play as Gandalf you'd be exactly like he is in the movie during the scenes in the Mines of Moria, with the staff in his left hand, and the sword in his right.


Glamdring is going to be the 3rd sword i work on. the order for the first 5 is:





Witchking Sword

Shards of Narsil



so, depending on how long it takes me to get the first two done, you might not have to wait long for Glamdring.


BTW, i'm in need of reference pics of Narsill and Glamdring, mainly close up ones of the blade and handgrip. THANKS!

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yeah, i basically ment the gandalf one, Saruman's staff was very good, and i doubt that i could do a better job. But for gandalf's staff, i have a couple people already working on it with very high level programs (3d Studio Max 5, Maya 4.0 Unlimited) and there are some effects in those programs that allow us to make it truly look like a real wooden stick, down to even the smallest details. though, for the game some of those details we'll have to remove because it will present problems putting it in-game.

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:cool: Uhm... you can have any combination you want:




Swords and staves are just long saber hilts... as long as they're mod compatable you're fine. I made all the meele weapons I could find work for JediMOD. I was easy after geting advice from White Rider and I AM a moron when I cames to these things.


Here's a few ref pics:





For reall good sword pics you can either go to Swords Online: http://www.swords-online.com/

or Ebay: http://listings.ebay.ca/aw/pavailable/list/all/category20272/index.html

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Originally posted by Covax

:cool: Uhm... you can have any combination you want:




Swords and staves are just long saber hilts... as long as they're mod compatable you're fine. I made all the meele weapons I could find work for JediMOD. I was easy after geting advice from White Rider and I AM a moron when I cames to these things.


Here's a few ref pics:





For reall good sword pics you can either go to Swords Online: http://www.swords-online.com/

or Ebay: http://listings.ebay.ca/aw/pavailable/list/all/category20272/index.html


Wow, that's cool, such a pack. Can you email it to me? So I can make some nice shots of Gandalf for you guys. grafox@quicknet.nl

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I thought you might want to know that (at least according to Decipher's Lord of the Rings CCG which is VERY accurate) the sword of the Witch King is called 'The Pale Blade'.


For pictures of various swords etc you might want to look at Decipher's website:




The Pale Blade


The Blade of Gondor (Boromir's Sword)




Gimli's Battle Axe


Arwen's Sword (Gwemegil)


Dwarven Hand Axe


Lurtz's (BIG Uruk-hai) Sword


Shards of Narsil

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thanks for the replys. as for the mod compatable, not all 18 are going to be compatable with JediMOD. the only ones that will be are Sting, Narsil, Glamdring, Sword of the Witchking, and the Uruk-Hai Scimitar.


all the others will be in the LOTR mod that will be released sometime in the begining of next year.



thanks for all the reference pics. From ebay, i already have every good picture from there. swords.com had some good ones of Gilmi's ax, and of some other blades that will be helpful.


the ones that i really need reference pics for now are Narsil and Glamdring, and i only need the actual hand grip, the blade i already have pictures of, but i've been unable to find any good close up pictures of the grips.


thanks for the replys.

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i'm having some minor trouble with Narsil right now,


*procedes to yell and curse out Rhino3d*


but, if it finally works and does what i'm telling it to, then i should have pics of the top part of the handgrip and the blade guard up tomorrow.

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sorry for the lack of updates lately, i've been sick for the past week and my parents wouldn't allow me on the computer (evil them)


anyway, covax, your answer is no. Our mod is an actual TC. Though, we are going to be asking some of the other people working on LOTR mods to possibly join ours, though that is up to the dude in charge, not me.


about the renders of narsil, my computer crashed really bad and i lost the model, i'm working on it again now and will get renders up ASAP.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just wanted to post an update on the status of the models


Narsil - 70%

upper handgrip and bladeguard done, working on lower handgrip now.


Sting - 10%

model got erased acidently, started working on it again. currently working on the blade.


Gimli's Battle Ax 60%

shaft and first blade done, working on making model more detailed now, need more ref pics to complete.


Gimli's Standard Ax - 80%

model completed, working on the skin now, need more ref pics to make better skin.


Gimli's Cutting Ax - 30%

shaft completed, started working on blade, need more ref pics to complete.

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