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BBMJ is seeking members


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Greetings, I come as a messenger of the Big Bad Mother******* Jedis. We are a SO/NF duel clan consisting of several members.


Don't take our name for granted, we are a "noble" clan which is looking for good players, who preferably can control all stances (if not, we'll teach you so no biggie) and who do not believe in kicking.


Our clan is mostly europeans but we don't discriminate if you are american, japanese or wherever you might hail from.


You can mainly find us here:

TNA fightclub:


We also have our own server but that is for members only at the moment, so you'll have to get in touch with us here for now.


Due to the tests you will have to go through to join us fully, you will be assigned to a trainer for an undeterminded time until we feel you are ready.

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