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UVW Mapping/Unwrapping problem

Wes Marrakesh

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Alright. Thanks to superdude, I got the tutorial on saber hilt making that I was looking for. You can find it here.


Problem is, when I draw the box around my saber and go to UVW Unwrap, I don't see my saber in mesh form. I see one Torus.


Any reasons why? My box is definetly big enough...


I really want to get this in game too :(

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the only thing i use box for is sabers, for buttons mostly.

i use cylinder for the heads, i find it works fairly well, the top of the head has to be done a little different though. the only thing i use planar for is the torso and sometimes the top of the hips.

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So you are saying to map the saber i different parts? That might work, I've been trying to get it.



For some reason, I just got logged out...


EDIT: Garg.. I know this is the easy way out, but would someone mind UVW Mapping my saber for me and showing me how they did it? MSNM is wesmarrakesh@hotmail.com if you feel kind enough to do it :D


Otherwise I'll figure this thing out, even if it takes me until SWG is released! :D

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unwrapping a saber hilt? you gotta be kiddin me! just use cylinder or box, its really straightforward... just make sure youve got the gizmo lined up properly, and it'll do it first time with no problems


try unwrapping a 3k poly model with overlapping sections (clothes etc...), now thats a bit harder :)


ps. that tute really does suck, who the hell would unwrap a model vertex by vertex?? manually!! that really is a waste of time, MAX has many tools built in so you dont have to do that

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