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Galactic Warfare Info & Beta Testing Signups


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Hey this is gw_leader, (frown_face),


You can check out this tc, Galactic Warfare at the site. http://gw.moddb.com (redirect) or http://www.modpages.com/~gw


If you wanna sign up for beta testinging just mail me: frown_face@hotmail.com or use the form at the site.


I encourage you to post comments/input about the mod, just read the site for info.


THe private beta should be out by Oct. 15

The public beta should be out 5 days later.



gw_leader (frown_face)

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Not sure as to wether you've recieved this already...


Welcome, gw_leader! I hope you enjoy your stay and please accept this complimentary Lucasforums welcome basket filled with numerous amounts of candy which you can snack on while browsing through our forums! :D :D :D


I havn't heard of this TC before, hoewver I do believe this topic would be more apropriate in the Beta Testing Forum.


Cheers ;)

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