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TCK Mod and 'Historicals'


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I am asking for assistance with the tck mod.


I am trying to get a historical feel to MP by setting certain bots' saber colour and hilt via tck, but am having trouble.


Using Darth_Maul as a test subject, I can now set the colour, and he will eventually use his dual-bladed saber. However, the code that should tell them which hilt to use is ignored.


I have used:

[*]hilt maul

[*]hilt "maul"


But neither work, but if I open the console and use either for myself, I end up with maul's saber.


If I can get him sorted, expect a Tyrannus-Duel Anakin soon - twin sabers - one is his hilt & blue saber and the other Obi Wan's green saber (which is actually Qui Gons from EpI, isn't it?)


Does anyone have any ideas?

How do you get the hilts code to work?

How do you get bots to recognise they can use a dual-bladed or twin sabers? Would that be a change to the personality file?

I want to learn bot persomnailty editing anyway, so where do I go for the right utils and good tutorials?


Cheers guys.

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